
pBsky is a linux command line BlueSky client. Written using Python, it taps into methods exposed by the atprototools project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python based BlueSky Client for the Linux Command Line. This is not intended to be an exhustive client. Instead it serve's as an example use of the atprototools codebase.

Uses atprototools for bSky Interopability.


Create a config file in the same directory as pBsky.py called pBsky.ini. Edit the file with your bsky username and password:

USERNAME = your_username
PASSWORD = your_password


Run the python script with python3 pBsky.py --help, or execute with ./pBsky.py --help to see available options.

POST: ./pBsky.py -p "{post_text}"
REPLY: ./pBsky.py -r "This is my reply" {rkey}
DELETE: ./pBsky.py -d {did} {rkey}
FOLLOW: ./pBsky.py -f {username - without the @}
GET (Your Following): ./pBsky.py -g {return count}
GET (Specific Account): ./pBsky.py -g {username - without the @} {return count}
GET PROFILE (Specific Account): ./pBsky.py -gp {username - without the @}


Todo List:

  • Error checking.
  • Like.


  • Tested on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS VM on a MacBook Pro with Python3
  • Best efforts made to align with PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code

Original Author: David Carryer
Email: david@davidcarryer.com
Bluesky: @davidcarryer.com
License: MIT