Consulting project via Insight to help transition company (VTS) that has accumulated large system of records (millions of data points ~50GB) and is looking to be a data driven company by productizing their dataset for analytics.
Company is looking to be data driven, so we found a use case in their current architecture in which we can apply some distributed computing upon and introduce some technologies in this space.
We agreed upon the use case to mask/scrub sensitive data on the production dataset. The data is scrubbed before being used by application developers, analysts, and business managers within the company.
- The pipeline starts with a PostgreSQL database (contains live production data as users are updating information on VTS product) and unloads that data in the form of CSVs into S3.
- CSV files are then consumed by a Spark application along with a configuration file that tells it which particular data (columns) to mask and with what value, this is then output as CSV files into S3.
- These final CSV files are then loaded into a Redshift database, this is the data warehouse in which all the internal stakeholders can access and operate upon for their daily business (such as using a BI tool like Looker).
Airflow is the scheduler (runs daily) that automates this entire workflow via tasks 1-3
contains complete workflow as well as dependencies, tasks are executed sequentially via bash operators- first task is
: shell script to copy CSVs locally, upload to S3, then delete from local - second task is
: shell script which executesspark-submit
to launch application on cluster - final task is
: python script to go into S3 and copy CSV files into Redshift data store
- first task is