
Problem Solving and Development Practice from Programming Hero and Phitron


Problem Solving and Development Practice from Programming Hero and Phitron


Introduction to Programming in C Language Basic programming concepts Input and Output Statements Variables Data types Operators Conditional Statements (if-else, nested if-else) Loop (For, While), Nested Loop Array, Array Operations Dynamic Array String, String Operations Function, Pointer Recursion

Problem-solving Part - 01 Basic Problem solving Math related problems Loop related problems Array related problems String related problems Function related problems Introduction to various Online judge

Introduction to C++ For DSA Familiar with C++ syntax min(), max(), swap() function in C++ Common Header file in C++ String Class in C++ Dynamic Memory Allocation Introduction to Class & Object Array of Classes Array of Object


Basic Data Structure Time Complexity & Space Complexity Linear search, Binary search, Selection Sort Two pointers & Prefix Sum Singly Linked List Double Linked List Stack Queue Priority Queue Binary Tree BST & Heep STL

Problem-Solving Part - 02 Problem-solving with Sorting Problem-Solving with Two pointers & Prefix Sum Problem-solving with Linked List Stack Implementation Queue Implementation Problem-Solving using Binary Tree Practice with BST Practice Problem Solving using Map and Priority Queue

Introduction to Algorithm Basics of Graph Breadth First Search (BFS) Depth First Search (DFS) and 2D Grid Dijkstra Algorithm Bellman Ford Algorithm Floyd Warshall Algorithm Dynamic Programming 0-1 Knapsack and Variations Unbounded Knapsack and Variations LCS DP and variations Minimum Spanning Tree

Problem-Solving Part - 03 Problem-solving using BFS & DFS Problem Solving using Graph Algorithms. Problem-solving using Bellman-Ford and Floyd Warshall Problem-Solving using 0-1 Knapsack & Unbound Knapsack Problem-Solving using Variations & LCS DSU and Cycle Detections


Path 01: Become a Software Developer

Course 01: Object-Oriented Programming With Python Basic Syntax & Data types Control Flow & Loops List and dictionary in python File handling Class & Object Encapsulation Abstraction Polymorphism Inheritance Library Management System Movie ticket booking system Parking lot Design

Course 02: DataBase Logical organization of databases the entity-relationship model network and relational data models Functional dependencies and normal forms Query formulation and language Database Administration Methods used for the storage selection and presentation of Data Database integrity and security concurrency control different levels of indices Data organization Indexing and hashing Directory systems Query Language: PostgreSQL or MySQL

Course 03: Software Development Project (Django) HTML & CSS Familiar with JavaScript Introduction to Django Working with Django Template Working with forms in Django Working with Models and ModelForm in Django Authentication Authorization from Django Admin Panel Working With Class Based View & Session Vs Cookie

Path 02: Become a Competitive Programmer

Target to Achieve 2 star, 3 Rating in CodeChef & Pupil Rank in Codeforces

Bit Manipulation Bit Masking Sliding Window & Two Pointer Technique Binary Search on Monotonic Functions, Binary Search on Answer Binary Search on Double, Lower Bound & Upper Bound Disjoint Set Union (DSU) Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Math & Number Theory (Sieve Algorithm, GCD, LCM) Math & Number Theory (Binary Exponentiation & Modular Arithmetic) Segment Tree Segment Tree Lazy Propagation Policy Based Data Structure (PBDS) Prefix Sum, 2D Prefix Sum & Difference Array Backtracking

Programming Hero Course Module [https://web.programming-hero.com/course-details]

Module -1: Welcome Video

Module 0: Orientation. How to get ready for this course

Module 1: Learn and Explore HTML

Module 2: Learn and Explore CSS

Module 3: Git, source control, GitHub and hosting

Module 4: More about HTML

Module 5: Build a beautiful portfolio website

Module 6: Build your flower shop website

Module 6.5: [Bonus] Pseudo class, elements, position

Module 7: Responsive Website Layout

Module 8: More responsive layout and Responsive portfolio

Module 9: HTML CSS only Landing Page - G3 Architects

Module 10: Optimize images, icon and more CSS

Module 11: Responsive Website Assignment

Module 11.5: [Bonus] UI UX, future strategy about html, css

Module 12: Introduction to Tailwind

Module 13: Biker Zone with Daisy UI

Module 14: Tea Landing Page with DaisyUI

Module 15: Responsive Landing Page with framework Assignment

Module 15_5: HTML, CSS, Framework Bonus

Module 16: Introduction to JavaScript

Module 17: Fundamental Concepts Array and conditionals

Module 18: Loop and Practice Problems

Module 19: Core Concepts, functions and objects

Module 20: Apply JavaScript Concepts

Module 21: JavaScript Simple Coding Problems

Module 22: More JS Coding Problems

Module 23: Assignment

Module 23.5: Basic JavaScript Bonus Module

Module 24: Tour of DOM (Document Object Model)

Module 25: Event, addEventListener, Event bubble

Module 26: Simple Interactive bank website ( Baap Er Bank )

Module 27: Bank Calculation Using Functions(advanced)

Module 28: DOM manipulation with Geometry Genius

Module 29: Build Summer Sale using DOM manipulation

Module 29.5: Integrate Javascript Bonus Content

Module 30: JS Recap and Basic Es6, Es5

Module 31: (advanced) More ES6

Module 32: Understand Common JavaScript Concepts

Module 33: API, JSON, Data load, dynamic website

Module 34: API Recap with Phone hunter

Module 35: More about JavaScript

Module 36: ES6 and API Related Assignment

Module 36.5: Browser Storage

Module 36.6: [optional] Browser & Debugging

Module 36.7: [optional] Introduction to Devtool

Module 37: JavaScript You need to know for React

Module 38: React Core Concept (part 1)

Module 39: React Core Concept (part 2)

Module 40: Simple React Rest Countries

Module 41: Modules and data storage Integration

Module 42: Simple React SPA with Knowledge cafe

Module 43: React SPA Assignment

Module 43.5: Simple React Bonus

Module 44: Tailwind CSS, Axios, Rechart, Awesome components

Module 45: React Router Concept

Module 46: React Core Concept (part 3)

Module 47: CareerHub with router

Module 48: Assignment 8

Module 48.5: Router bonus

Module 49: Simple React Firebase authentication

Module 50: Email Password Authentication, Login Form

Module 51: React Auth Integration and Private Route

Module 52: Build Dragon News Layout

Module 52.5: Authentication with Dragon News

Module 53: React Auth Assignment

Module 53.5: NodeJS Bonus Content

Module 54: Getting Started with Node, Express and Api

Module 55: Know more about node js, express js, mongodb and CRUD operation

Module 56: CRUD with Espresso Emporium using MongoDB

Module 56.5: Authentication with Espresso Emporium, Deploy & Practice task

Module 57: Assignment 10

Module 57.5: Bonus Module

Module 58: CRUD Recap with Genius Car

Module 59: Genius Car Node Mongo CRUD Recap

Module 60: Introduction to JWT and Axios Interceptor

Module 60.5: (Important) How to Create Unique Projects And Unique Profile

Module 61: Recap Jwt and interceptor with Genius Car

Module 62: Pagination and Load Data by filter

Module 63: CRUD with JWT assignment

Module 63.5: Indexing in MongoDB

Module 64: Final Project Part-1

Module 65: Final Project Part-2

Module 66: Final Project Part-3

Module 67: Final Project Part-4

Module 68: Final Project Part-5

Module 69: Final Project Part-6

Module 70: Final Project Part-7

Module 71: Final Project Part-8

Module 72: The Final Effort

Module 72.5: Email Sending(Bonus)

Module 73: Fundamentals of Next.js

Module 74: Next Level Data Fetching in Next.Js

Module 75: Build a news portal website using Next.js

Module 76: Interview Preparation and Get Ready to be hired