This is a Base Library for android http request via Google Volley and easy Cache them.
Provides Volley Base GET & POST Method and transform them by using GOOGLE GSON. It's very easy to use this Foundation Parse JSON to entity and Cache them , You just care about the app work request network via VolleyHttpClient get post method etc. All Cache will done.(include pics). We cache picture by using ImageLoader, which you should not worry about that,the foundation has already provide that.
If you are using android studio and with gradle works well,you won't care about this, all this done by android studio.
OtherWise ,if you are using eclispe or other.this CacheFoundataion use these extras libs:
- Volley http request & cache
- ViewPagerIndicator show Tabs
- XListView show pull to refresh and load more
- universal image loader (UIL) cache image
- umeng sdk to analy your user data
- roboguice to make your application more easy and clear. use @InjectView
- Gson googel gson to parse json more easy and quick
The Foundation also provide common UI like pull to refresh ,lovely toast ,base activity with swipeback and useful utility Class. this help you easy and quick to build a app. ddd
Demo provide Tab + ViewPager Style.