A central place for community made Flutter content.
The Flutter Community is an organization aimed at providing a central place for community made Flutter packages and content to live.
Our goal is to ensure packages made by the Flutter community are kept alive and maintained in one place.
To go along with the packages, we have started a Medium publication as a central location for community content to be published - especially if it relates to the packages here.
These are the packages featured on the Flutter Community.
Name | Release | Description | Maintainer |
app_review | Request and Write Reviews and Open Store Listing for Android and iOS in Flutter. | Rody Davis | |
breakpoint | A Flutter plugin to calculate the material design breakpoints. | Rody Davis | |
sealed_unions | Sealed Unions for Dart | George Medve | |
firestore_helpers | Firestore helper function to create dynamic and location based queries | Thomas Burkhart | |
draggable_scrollbar | A scrollbar that can be dragged for quickly navigation through a vertical list. Additional option is showing label next to scrollthumb with information about current item. | Marina Kuznetsova | |
after_layout | Execute code after the first layout of your widget has been performed, i.e. after the first frame has been displayed. | Simon Lightfoot | |
contacts_service | A Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices. | Lukas Dickie | |
flutter_downloader | A plugin for creating and managing download tasks. Supports iOS and Android. | Hung Duy Ha | |
flutter_google_places | Google places autocomplete widgets for flutter. No wrapper, use https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/google_maps_webservice | Kev Morelli | |
infinite_listview | ListView with items that can be scrolled infinitely in both directions. | Simon Lightfoot | |
flutter_launcher_icons | A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon. Fully flexible, allowing you to choose what platform you wish to update the launcher icon for and if you want, the option to keep your old launcher icon in case you want to revert back sometime in the future. | Mark O'Sullivan | |
flutter_sms | A Flutter plugin to Send SMS and MMS on iOS and Android. If iMessage is enabled it will send as iMessage on iOS. This plugin must be tested on a real device on iOS. | Rody Davis | |
sticky_headers | Flutter Sticky Headers - Lets you place headers on scrollable content that will stick to the top of the container whilst the content is scrolled. | Simon Lightfoot | |
flutter_webview_plugin | Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview. | Simon Lightfoot | |
flutter_whatsnew | A new Flutter package to show updates to users. | Rody Davis | |
get_it | Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App" | Thomas Burkhart | |
get_version | Get the Version Name, Version Code, Platform and OS Version, and App ID on iOS and Android. | Rody Davis | |
native_widgets | A new Flutter package for using Android and iOS natively on each platform. | Rody Davis | |
persist_theme | A flutter plugin for persisting the theme data. Support for Dark Modes. | Rody Davis | |
responsive_scaffold | On mobile it shows a list and pushes to details and on tablet it shows the List and the selected item. | Rody Davis | |
rx_command | Reactive event handler wrapper class inspired by ReactiveUI. | Thomas Burkhart | |
state_persistence | Persist state across app launches. By default this library store state as a local JSON file called data.json in the applications data directory. |
Simon Lightfoot |
If you'd like to submit your package to the Flutter Community GitHub organization, please see the Flutter Community Transfer Guide.
For any questions regarding the Flutter Community, please open an issue on the /community repository.
Flutter Community aims to bring the best community-made packages forward. Because of this, not all proposed packages will be accepted.