
Liquality wallet core library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Wallet Core

 _       __      ____     __     ______              
| |     / /___ _/ / /__  / /_   / ____/___  ________ 
| | /| / / __ `/ / / _ \/ __/  / /   / __ \/ ___/ _ \
| |/ |/ / /_/ / / /  __/ /_   / /___/ /_/ / /  /  __/
|__/|__/\__,_/_/_/\___/\__/   \____/\____/_/   \___/ 


Wallet Core is a cryptocurrency wallet library in Typescript. It provides an abstracted interface that handles all the necessary internals of a muilti chain wallet.


  • State management
  • Seed management and security
  • Account management
  • Blockchain communication under a common interface, powered by Chainify
  • Retriving balances
  • Sending transactions
  • Intra and cross chain swaps supporting a host of decentralised exchanges - Liquality, Thorchain, Uniswap, 1inch, Sovryn, Astroport etc.
  • Hardware wallet support


npm install @liquality/wallet-core

yarn add @liquality/wallet-core


import { setupWallet } from '@liquality/wallet-core';
import defaultOptions from '@liquality/wallet-core/dist/src/walletOptions/defaultOptions' // Default options

const wallet = setupWallet({

(async () => {
  await wallet.dispatch.createWallet({
    key: 'satoshi',
    mnemonic: 'never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna',
    imported: true,
  await wallet.dispatch.unlockWallet({ key: 'satoshi' });
  await wallet.dispatch.changeActiveNetwork({ network: 'mainnet' });
  console.log(wallet.state); // State will include default accounts


See WalletOptions in types

    initialState?: RootState; // The initial state of the wallet
    crypto: { // Implmenetation for platform specific crypto
      pbkdf2(password: string, salt: string, iterations: number, length: number, digest: string): Promise<string>;
      encrypt(value: string, key: string): Promise<any>;
      decrypt(value: any, key: string): Promise<any>;
    // Handle notifications
    createNotification(notification: Notification): void;


How to run tests

Integration tests are written in Jest.

yarn test