
A Rust crate for computing the Earth Mover's Distance (pyemd wrapper)

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A simple Rust library for computing the Earth Mover's Distance (or "Wasserstein distance" or "Kantorovich–Rubinstein distance").

This is a wrapper of Gary Doran's pyemd.

Basic usage

Include the following in Cargo.toml:

emd = "0.1.1"


extern crate emd;
extern crate ndarray;

use emd::*;
use ndarray::*;

let x = array![0., 1.];
let y = array![5., 3.];
assert_eq!(distance(&x.view(), &y.view()), 3.5);

Check out the docs for more.


gchers, ehentgen