This repo contains available uni10 library and tSDRG code. tSDRG is a tensor-network algorithm, and this code build with C++.

Primary LanguageC++


Tree tensor strong disorder renormalization group.


One may choose from one of these methods below

I. Docker container

One may build the Docker image with

docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t tsdrg .

and launch the container interactively

docker run --rm -it tsdrg

See the documentation here if you want to run the container in background, or to mount the system volume into container.

Note: The size of this image is about 22.8GB, mainly because of Intel oneAPI.

II. Singularity container

Currently, to keep the consistency, we use Docker image to generate Singularity container.

To build the singularity image file (.sif), it is required to have a Dockerhub account for hosting the Docker image. One could therefore build .sif extension with

singularity build tsdrg.sif docker://<username>/<imagename>

One can then interact with the image in several ways. For instance,

singularity shell tsdrg.sif

See here for more information about working Docker with Singularity.

Note: By default, Singularity bind mounts /home/$USER, /tmp, and $PWD automatically into your container at runtime. This is different from Docker.

III. Build from scratch

  1. Install Intel oneAPI

    Intel Base toolkit and HPC toolkit are required for compiling Uni10 later.

  2. Install Uni10

    Current dependency of this module uses Uni10 v.2.0.0, which has been attached in this repo, and one can unzip them by using

    tar -xzvf uni10-2.0.0.tar.gz

    One can therefore compile the source code by following the instruction here. It is recommended to use MKL and Intel compiler for compiling.

  3. Set up the environment variables

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/uni10/lib/
    export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$C_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/local/uni10/include/
    export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/local/uni10/include/

Running a script

The main script is put in Main/. One can compile it with Main/makefile by targeting to the source code, such as

make code=Heisenberg_spin1.cpp

Executable will be named as job.exe, one could pass the parameters as

./job.exe {L} {chi} {Pdis} {Jdis} {Dim} {BC} {seed1} {seed2}


  • L: system size
  • chi: bond dimension, number of kept states in the triangular tensor (projector)
  • Pdis: the distribution of random variable
  • Jdis: disorder strength of the coupling J
  • Dim: Dimerization constant
  • BC: boundary condition, PBC or OBC.
  • seed1: random seed number in order to repeat data
  • seed2: random seed number in order to repeat data

Analyzing the data

Data will be saved into Main/data in .csv extension, and with hierarchical folder structure to the input parameters. For instance,

- data/
    - PBC/
        - Jdis010/
            - Dim010/
                - L32_P10_m8_1/
                    - J_list.csv
                    - L32_P10_m8_1_corr2.csv
                    - ZL.csv
                    - w_loc.csv
                    - L32_P10_m8_1_corr1.csv
                    - L32_P10_m8_1_string.csv
                    - energy.csv  
