
Create releases on Github with auto generated release message

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Git Release - Create releases with auto generated release message

Online Demo: https://git-release.tkarimdesign.com/

Personal Access Token

You will need a personal access token to authenticate with github. How to generate token

Auto-generate Release Message

Using the Auto Generate Release Message field, you can generate release notes based on commit messages. Choose a start and end date, and all commit messages within these date ranges will be used to generate a release message. If no end date is provided, it will use the most recent commit as the end point.

Run Locally

npm install
npm run serve

Pre-fill Form Data

When you are running the app locally, you can provide pre filled values for the form using a dotenv file. For, example, you can pre-fill the access_token inside a .env.development.local file, so you don't have to re-enter it every time, you refresh the page.


IMPORTANT: If you are going to build for production, make sure you remove any sensitive info from your dotenv file, such as the access token. Otherwise webpack will bundle it with your app. For adding variables via for development, use a .env.development.local file. See more about how Vue handles environment variables here: https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/mode-and-env.html#modes

Available Variables

name value
VUE_APP_OWNER Owner of the repository.
VUE_APP_REPO Name of the repository
VUE_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN Token you have generated that can be used to authorize access to the GitHub API. Keep this a secret because it can be used to gain unauthorized access to your repository and account. This app does not store the token, and only sends it to Github via an Authorization header.
VUE_APP_NAME The name of the release.
VUE_APP_DRAFT Check to create a draft (unpublished) release, uncheck to create a published one. Default: uncheck
VUE_APP_PRERELEASE Check to identify the release as a prerelease. uncheck to identify the release as a full release. Default: uncheck
VUE_APP_TAG_NAME The name of the tag.
VUE_APP_TARGET_COMMITISH Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists. Default: the repository"s default branch (usually master).
VUE_APP_BODY Text describing the contents of the tag/release.

© Tanveer Karim https://www.tkarimdesign.com