
Automate adding description to a PR - A Github app created using Probot (Node.js)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


A github app created using Probot to get description of a new PR using Generative AI

demo video


Tech Stack

  1. Probot (Node.js framwork)
  2. Github Apps
  3. Javascript
  4. Open AI - LLM API

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository
  2. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start the local server
npm start
  1. Head to https://localhost:3000
    - probot will start configuring your app by creating a .env file
    - It will also add **WEBHOOK_PROXY_URL** in the env
  1. Click on the Register Github App button
    - you will be redirected to a page prompting to enter a **name** for the app
    - on proceeding, you will be asked to install the app on any repo
  1. Now restart the local server
    - in the process, your env will be populated with more variables
  1. Install the app on a repo, and you're all set


# 1. Build container
docker build -t pr-glimpse .

# 2. Start container
docker run -e APP_ID=<app-id> -e PRIVATE_KEY=<pem-value> pr-glimpse