
Proof of Existence dApp on Ethereum Blockchain

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Proof of Existence on Ethereum Blockchain

Blockproof is a web-based time stamping application that uses Ethereum Decentralized Blockchain to store anonymous, tamper-proof time stamps for any digital content. Blockproof allows users to hash files, images, or plain text, and subsequently store the created hashes in the blockchain as well as retrieve and verify time stamps that have been committed to the blockchain. It enables anyone, e.g., students, researchers, authors, journalists, or artists, to prove that they were the originator of certain information at a given point in time.


Please install Ganache and Metamask on your local to simulate a local Blockchain environment. Node version must be equal to or greater than 8.0.0.

Getting Started

  1. Download the repository and install all npm dependencies by running below command

    npm install
  2. Start Local Ethereum Blockchain Node using Ganache and make sure it is listening on below RPC Server


    Navigate to root folder of the project and perform below steps:

  3. The Smart Contracts uses Oraclize to get timestamp instead of block timestamp. For this a local Ethereum Bridge is required. Please execute below command in command prompt

    cd node_modules
    node ethereum-bridge -H localhost:8545 -a 1 --dev

    On succesful completion above command will give an output as below.

    OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x6f485c8bf6fc43ea212e93bbf8ce046c7f1cb475);

    The value inside the brackets will be different for your local implementation. Please copy the entire statement and paste it to smart contract Blockproof.sol line#76 (existing piece of code is for reference)

  4. Compile smart contracts by running below command.

    truffle compile
  5. Deploy smart contracts to Ganache by running below command.

    truffle migrate

    In case the deployment gets stuck, try below command.

    truffle migrate --reset

    Please note that Oraclize services charge Ether for query execution which is taken from contract balance The contract is deployed with 10 Ether as coded in 2_deploy_contracts.js file. In case the balance is exhausted, the application may not work as expected. In that case either transfer Ether to the contract or deploy it again.

  6. Run servers for front-end and back-end by running below command

    npm run dev

    On succesful run, application will be served on


How to use the dApp

Please refer below document which explains all the execution steps.


Design Patterns Used in the dApp

Following patterns have been implemented in smart contract Blockproof.sol


A dedicated function named 'kill' has been provided which can be invoked only by contract owner. It can be used anytime to destroy the contract.


Modifiers have been used to restrict access/usage of below functions only to contract owner: withdraw : To withdraw funds (if any) from the contract kill : To destroy the contract toggle_active : To enable or disable functions in case of circuit breaker situations


Circuit Breaker pattern has been applied with help of toggle_active function which can be invoked only by contract owner. Details of a proof can only be seen by the document owner and not by anyone else.

Measures taken to mitigate attacks on the smart contract

  1. Simple implementation at expense of some gas
  2. Avoided Poison data by limiting the length of user supplied data
  3. No Complex logic, no mathematical operations involved that may cause Integer Arithmetic Overflow.
  4. Verified the compiler-generated ABI to ensure no unexpected functions appear.
  5. No personal information is stored inside the contract. Only IPFS hash of the document, its time stamp and user address are stored.
  6. Mitigated Denial of service attack by limiting the length of user supplied data such as document title, document hash, document remarks, document tags. So that user cannot supply big sized data that is very expensive to process and prevents users from interacting with the contract.
  7. Ethereum miners have some limited ability to influence block timestamps which may impact the timestamping of the document. This Miner Vulnerability is mitigated by not using block timestamps but rather Oracle services using 'Oraclize' which runs independent of Blockchain Miners.

Library/EthPM used

Smart contract Blockproof.sol uses oraclize-api package. Related source code is visible inside installed_contracts/oraclize-api/contracts folder.

Stretch Goals


This dApp uses IPFS to store documents for which proof are generated. Each document can be accessed by clicking on the hash URL on details page.


Ethereum miners have some limited ability to influence block timestamps which may impact the functional usage of this dApp. Instead it Oraclize services to get current time stamp which is independent of Blockchain Miners.

Testnet Deployment

Contract Blockproof.sol has been deployed to Rinkeby Network, details of which are inside deployed_address.txt file.

Mobile Friendly Design

The design of the dApp is very minimal and mobile friendly. It can be easliy viewed on web3 enabled mobile browsers.

This dApp uses services of third party applications like Infura for IPFS, Oraclize as Oracle to get timestamp and mLab database as an Off-Chain storage. Depending on the server availability the dApp may take time to process a request. In case it gets stuck, please try reloading the page. In case of any issues please reach out to me at tannmay@gmail.com