
Software Lab 2 - Operating System Lab Programs.

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Software Lab 2 Assignments

All software lab 2 assignments of SPPU Third Year IT Syllabus

Table of Contents for Assignments

Program Name Problem Description
Assignment1.sh Database shell script for electronic items
Assignment2a.c Zombie and orphan process
Assignment2b1.c Calling passing the array to child process using execv
Assignment2b2.c Binary search on the array received by parent process
Assignment3.c Matrix Multiplication using threading
Assignment4A.c Binary semaphore with single thread
Assignment4B.c Binary semaphore with multiple threads
Assignment4C.c Mutex with multiple threads
safe_sequence.c Safe sequence algorithm
bankers.c Banker's algorithm with menu driven output
Assignment5.c Reader writer problem in C
Assignment6.c Dining Philosopher's problem in C
Assignment7a.c Full duplex communication using pipes
Assignment7b1.c IPC of independent processes using fifo
Assignment7b2.c IPC of independent processes using fifo
Assignment8a.c Ful duplex using shared memory
Assignment8b.c Ful duplex using shared memory
Assignment9.c Database using linux I/O commands