
This repository is related to the implementation of using combinational and sequential synthesis tools like 'ABC', 'Yosys'.

Primary LanguagePython

Circuit Synthesis

This repository is related to implementaionl of using combinational and sequential synthesis tools like 'ABC', 'Yosys'. This project shows circuit synthesis for combinational circuit (ISCAS85) and sequential circuit (IWLS_2005/ISCAS).

Tool setup

I will discuss about installation of two tools (ABC, NEOS and Yosys) here in linux environment (Ubuntu 20.04).

ABC setup

  • Open terminal
  • Run the following line
tc@pc:~$ sudo apt install berkeley-abc

NEOS setup

There are other ways to use ABC. One of those is using NEOS. You can check the details from this link. Only tricky part is linking libreadline.so.6. You can use the following commands in you linux terminal. It will solve the problem. I have used Ubuntu 20.04.

tc@pc:~$ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
tc@pc:~$ cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
tc@pc:~$ sudo ln -s libreadline.so.8.0 libreadline.so.6

Yosys setup

  • Open terminal
  • Run the following line
tc@pc:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saltmakrell/ppa
tc@pc:~$ sudo apt-get update
tc@pc:~$ sudo apt-get install -y yosys

Converting bench to verilog file

tc@pc:~$ berkeley-abc
abc> read_bench c17.bench
abc> write_verilog c17.v

Making schematic diagram

tc@pc:~$ yosys
yosys> read_verilog c17.v
yosys> synth -top c17
yosys> show c17

If you want to use customized library

tc@pc:~$ yosys
yosys> read_liberty GSCLib_3.0.lib
yosys> read_verilog c17.v
yosys> show c17

Circuit Synthesis

Very basic comands for circuit synthesis by using 'ABC'

tc@pc:~$ berkeley-abc
abc> read_lib GSCLib_3.0.lib
abc> read c17.blif
abc> strash
abc> balance
abc> refactor
abc> map
abc> stime
abc> write_verilog c17.v

Here I posted the code for two types of circuits (sequential and combinational) syntheses. You need to define the installation path of 'ABC' and 'Yosys'. You can find the location by using following command:

tc@pc:~$ whereis yosys
tc@pc:~$ whereis berkeley-abc
tc@pc:~$ dpkg -L berkeley-abc

For sequential circuit synthesis use blif format as input and run cktSynthesis.py. For combinational circuit if you have verilog file, then use v2blif_Converter.py to convert the verilog format file to blif format. Make sure you have installed ABC and Yosys in your system. Then use cktSynthesis.py for circuit synthesis. If you want to use verilog file without converting to blif format then you can try NEOS also.

tc@pc:~$ ./neos --use_verilog -e xorprob ./c17.v ./c17_enc.v 10

Using Yosys for making CNF from Verilog

tc@pc:~$ yosys
yosys> read_liberty GSCLib_3.0.lib
yosys> design -save lib
yosys> read_verilog c17.v
yosys> hierarchy -check
yosys> prep -flatten -top c17
yosys> proc
yosys> opt
yosys> fsm
yosys> opt
yosys> memory
yosys> opt
yosys> techmap
yosys> opt
yosys> sat -dump_cnf c17_cnf c17
