
This is a project for ASP.NET MVC Forms. I followed the course "ASP.NET MVC Forms" by James Churchill from Treehouse. It contains two folders. To see the final project look into the folder "FitnessFrog_DIY". For step by step process look into the folder "FitnessFrog_Treehouse".

Primary LanguageC#


This repository has two projects.

  1. FitnessFrogForm: ASP.NET MVC Forms Project.
  2. FitnessFrogAPI: ASP.NET Web API Project.

I followed two courses of James Churchill from Treehouse.

  1. ASP.NET MVC Forms
  2. Building Services with ASP.NET Web API


This is a project for ASP.NET MVC Forms.
I followed the course "ASP.NET MVC Forms" by James Churchill from Treehouse.
It contains two folders.

  1. To see the final project look into the folder "FitnessFrog_DIY".
  2. For step by step process look into the folder "FitnessFrog_Treehouse".

Fitness Frog API

This API supports the following user actions.

  1. Viewing a list of entries
  2. Adding an entry
  3. Editing an entry
  4. Deleting an entry

It contains two folders.

  1. To see the final project look into the folder "FitnessFrogService_DIY".
  2. For step by step process look into the folder "FitnessFrogService_Treehouse".

Project Setup

Open the project in Visual Studio. Then go to Tools > Nuget Pckage Manager > Package Manager Console
Then run the following command\

Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r

After that build the project. For all the training folders, Right click on "Treehouse.FitnessFrog.Spa" project, and then "Set as Startup Project"


  • Api/entries GET, POST
  • Api/entries/1 GET, PUT, DELETE
  • Api/activities GET, POST
  • Api/intensities GET, POST

HTTP Status Codes

  • 200 Ok
  • 201 Created
  • 204 No Content

Project Demo of FitnessFrogForm

Home Page


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Project Demo of FitnessFrogAPI

Home Page


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Edit Page


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