
How does loading scripts differently affect the order they run in?

Primary LanguageHTML

👨‍🔬 Async JavaScript Loading

How does loading scripts differently affect the order they run in?




  • Red = Source Order.
  • Green = Load Order.
  1. head inline
  2. head external
  3. head inline
  4. head inline async
- 5. head external async
  6. head inline async
  7. head inline defer
- 8. head external defer
  9. head inline defer
  -- end of head --
  10. body inline
  11. body external
  12. body inline
  13. body inline async
- 14. body external async
  15. body inline async
  16. body inline defer
- 17. body external defer
  18. body inline defer
  -- end of body --
+ 5. head external async
+ 8. head external defer
+ 14. body external async
+ 17. body external defer



Now it gets interesting...

  • If the weights are the same, the order remains consistent.
  • async/defer only affects external files.
    • "Classic scripts are affected by the async and defer attributes, but only when the src attribute is set." —HTML Spec
  • Heavier render-blocking scripts give in-flight scripts more time to load. For example, an async script in the head can finish loading and execute before other scripts in the body.
  • As soon as you start loading over HTTP, async varies like crazy. Literally, it can load whenever. Results vary, even on a local server with caching disabled and no 3rd party code (except Browsersync).
  • One thing is certain: 17 will always fire after 8. Otherwise, 5 and 14 can show up in any order.



  • Dynamically loaded scripts will always execute after scripts listed in the markup.
  • The "source" order you add a dynamic script to doesn't matter at all. All that matters is the order you request them in and whether or not they're async.
  • If you want to dynamically load a script before other scripts execute (say, conditionally loading a polyfill), you have to dynamically load and defer the other scripts too. (The only other way, as far as I can tell, is to sticky with render-blocking scripts.)

Possible Execution Orders

If all scripts were defer there would only be 1 possible execution order.

But as soon as we throw async in the mix, scripts can literally load in any order. They may converge on the most likely order (the "standard" order), but there's no guarantee.

If we give each external script a number (1–4), we can generate a list of all possible orders these scripts can run in (thanks to https://www.free-online-calculator-use.com/combination-calculator.html).

With 4 numbers, there are 4! (4 * 3 * 2 * 1) or 24 possible combinations.

But since some scripts use defer, we know 4 will always run after 2.

With a little regex (.*4.*2) we can remove all the combinations that where 4 loads before 2.

Now there are only 12 combinations:

1 2 3 4
1 2 4 3
1 3 2 4
2 1 3 4
2 1 4 3
2 3 1 4
2 3 4 1
2 4 1 3
2 4 3 1
3 1 2 4
3 2 1 4
3 2 4 1

Ideally, I'd run an automated test suite to do at least 100 (if not 500+) runs for each test and get statistics on the likelihood of each combination.

Based on my limited manual tests tonight, it seems like:

  • 1 2 4 3 is the most common ("standard") order.
    • head:async, head:defer, body:defer, body:async
  • Other combinations vary based on file size, latency, etc.


  1. Why is this the standard order?
  2. What exactly causes the variation in async loading?
  3. Why does body:async tend to fire after body:defer?
  4. Why not just defer everything?
  5. Why exactly do dynamically added scripts always run after scripts in the source code, regardless of position?