
  • A user can sign up and log into the application
  • users can post their thoughts and view others' thoughts.
  • they can react, reply to a thought.
  • Can add friends.
  • JSON web token used and installed, uses a utils/auth.js file.
  • JSon web token site:

  • social media application, MERN-stack, (mongoDB, Express, React, and Node)
  • Node.js specific GraphQL library (Apollo Server) queries all data from our db using a single API endpoint.
  • This allows us to query multiple resources of data with a single HTTP request using a built-in tool called GraphQL playground.

  • starts by integrating apollo server graphql library to handle data requests to our API.
  • built both query type definitions and resolvers for retrieving data from mongodb db,
  • uses graphql playground interface to test graphql queries.

  • installed
npm install react-router-dom
  • ran the line, npm i apollo-server-express graphql

  • npm run watch doesn't work

  • installed @apollo/client and graphql