
Youtube tutorial by WebDevSimplified that sets up a basic express server. I've annotated this for projects I've used express in.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT

Server setup and basic Routing

  • run : npm init -y and npm i express
  • npm i --save-dev nodemon and add "devStart": "nodemon server.js" to scripts.
  • running "npm run devStart" will run all code in server.
  • Lines 1-13 in server.js set up the basic routing.
  • As seen here:
  • server setup code
  • Below app.get, add res.json({ message: "error" }) and check console to see if there is an error.

Rendering HTML

  • to render views, create a views folder with an index.html file inside of it.

  • install ejs for your HTML styling: npm i ejs

  • in server.js, tell the engine to use ejs by typing app.set('view engine', 'ejs')

  • install ejs engine support in VS code.


  • A way for you to create a mini-application inserted into main app.

  • To do this, create a routes folder. Take the app.get() routes for users.

Advanced Routing

  • You can do dynamic routing with "/:id"
  • Always put "new" routes above dynamic routes so you can work top-to-bottom.
  • Generally, use CRUD routes; use router.route() to chain together these.
  • router.param() runs any time it matches a param you pass in.
