##How to create a highly available fusionpbx cluster on Debian with keepalived postgresql and BDR
- Create two machines with debian installs. Give both a public and private ip.
2. Install fusionpbx on one machine, we'll call this one fusion1. BUT, Before running the install script (./install.sh
) you will want to edit the /usr/src/fusionpbx-install.sh/debian/resources/postgres.sh
installation file, so you don't have two separate postgres instances. Follow the steps below:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y --force-yes
apt-get install -y --force-yes git
cd /usr/src
git clone https://github.com/fusionpbx/fusionpbx-install.sh.git
chmod 755 -R /usr/src/fusionpbx-install.sh
cd /usr/src/fusionpbx-install.sh/debian
Now uncomment the "Add PostgreSQL and BDR REPO" section, and comment out the "postgres official repository" like so: ####/usr/src/fusionpbx-install.sh/debian/resources/postgres.sh
#send a message
echo "Install PostgreSQL"
#generate a random password
password=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=20 2>/dev/null | base64)
#install message
echo "Install PostgreSQL and create the database and users\n"
#included in the distribution
#apt-get install -y --force-yes sudo postgresql
#postgres official repository
#echo 'deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ jessie-pgdg main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
#wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add -
#apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
#apt-get install -y --force-yes sudo postgresql
#Add PostgreSQL and BDR REPO
echo 'deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ jessie-pgdg main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql.list
echo 'deb http://packages.2ndquadrant.com/bdr/apt/ jessie-2ndquadrant main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/2ndquadrant.list
/usr/bin/wget --quiet -O - http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add -
/usr/bin/wget --quiet -O - http://packages.2ndquadrant.com/bdr/apt/AA7A6805.asc | apt-key add -
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y --force-yes sudo postgresql-bdr-9.4 postgresql-bdr-9.4-bdr-plugin postgresql-bdr-contrib-9.4
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart postgresql
#/usr/sbin/service postgresql restart
#move to /tmp to prevent a red herring error when running sudo with psql
cd /tmp
#add the databases, users and grant permissions to them
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE fusionpbx";
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE freeswitch";
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE fusionpbx WITH SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD '$password';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE freeswitch WITH SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD '$password';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fusionpbx to fusionpbx;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE freeswitch to fusionpbx;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE freeswitch to freeswitch;"
#ALTER USER fusionpbx WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';
cd $cwd
#set the ip address
#server_address=$(hostname -I)
The BDR repositories and packages are needed for HA. Now do the install (/usr/src/fusionpbx-install.sh/debian/install.sh):
Take note of the password you've been given in the output.
- Make sure the following packages are installed:
sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite libuv-dev flex libtool php5-fpm ssl-cert nginx libjson0-dev php-db libexpat-dev php5-cli sqlite fail2ban lsb-release python-software-properties libpcap-dev ghostscript git-core libjpeg-dev subversion build-essential autoconf automake devscripts gawk g++ make libncurses5-dev python-dev pkg-config libtiff5-dev libldns-dev libperl-dev libgdbm-dev libdb-dev gettext libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcre3-dev libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev libsqlite3-dev libedit-dev libpq-dev screen htop bzip2 curl memcached ntp php5-curl php5-imap php5-mcrypt lame time bison libssl-dev unixodbc libmyodbc unixodbc-dev libtiff-tools libmemcached-dev libtool-bin yasm nasm liblua5.2-0 liblua5.2-dev libopus-dev libcodec2-dev libyuv-dev libsndfile-dev libvpx-dev libvpx2-dev postgresql-bdr-9.4 postgresql-bdr-9.4-bdr-plugin postgresql-bdr-contrib-9.4 php5-pgsql tmux csync2 tree keepalived inotify-tools
- Add the following postgres conf files: ###/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf Replace YOURSUBNET with the cidr of your subnet...
local all postgres peer
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
#hostssl all all YOURSUBNET trust # FOR SSL
host all all YOURSUBNET trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#local replication postgres peer
host replication postgres md5
#host replication postgres ::1/128 md5
#hostssl replication postgres YOURSUBNET trust # FOR SSL
host replication postgres YOURSUBNET trust
data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main' # use data in another directory
# (change requires restart)
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf' # host-based authentication file
# (change requires restart)
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_ident.conf' # ident configuration file
# (change requires restart)
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/9.4-main.pid' # write an extra PID file
# (change requires restart)
listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
# comma-separated list of addresses;
# defaults to 'localhost'; use '*' for all
# (change requires restart)
port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 100 # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql' # comma-separated list of directories
#ssl = true # (change requires restart)
# (change requires restart)
#ssl_cert_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem' # (change requires restart)
#ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil-postgres.key' # (change requires restart)
shared_buffers = 128MB # min 128kB
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix # the default is the first option
shared_preload_libraries = 'bdr' # (change requires restart)
max_worker_processes = 20
wal_level = 'logical' # minimal, archive, hot_standby, or logical
max_wal_senders = 10 # max number of walsender processes
max_replication_slots = 10 # max number of replication slots
track_commit_timestamp = on # collect timestamp of transaction commit
log_error_verbosity = default
log_min_messages = warning
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p-%l] %q%u@%d ' # special values:
log_timezone = 'localtime'
stats_temp_directory = '/var/run/postgresql/9.4-main.pg_stat_tmp'
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'
timezone = 'localtime'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
Reboot the machine
Create the postgresql extensions on both databases:
su -l postgres
psql fusionpbx
create extension btree_gist;
create extension pgcrypto;
create extension bdr;
\connect freeswitch;
create extension btree_gist;
create extension pgcrypto;
create extension bdr;
- Create bdr group for fusionpbx and freeswitch databases:
su -l postgres
psql fusionpbx
SELECT bdr.bdr_group_create(local_node_name := 'fusion1', node_external_dsn := 'host=NODE1IP port=5432 dbname=fusionpbx connect_timeout=10 keepalives_idle=5 keepalives_interval=1');
\connect freeswitch
SELECT bdr.bdr_group_create(local_node_name := 'fusion1', node_external_dsn := 'host=NODE1IP port=5432 dbname=freeswitch connect_timeout=10 keepalives_idle=5 keepalives_interval=1');
- Add the necessary repos and keys:
echo 'deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ jessie-pgdg main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo 'deb http://packages.2ndquadrant.com/bdr/apt/ jessie-2ndquadrant main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
/usr/bin/wget --quiet -O - http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add -
/usr/bin/wget --quiet -O - http://packages.2ndquadrant.com/bdr/apt/AA7A6805.asc | apt-key add -
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
- Install the following packages
sudo apt-get install postgresql-bdr-9.4 postgresql-bdr-9.4-bdr-plugin postgresql-bdr-contrib-9.4
- Create and setup the fusionpbx and freeswitch databases for BDR replication:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE fusionpbx";
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE freeswitch";
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fusionpbx to fusionpbx;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE freeswitch to fusionpbx;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE freeswitch to freeswitch;"
- Add the following config files replacing YOURSUBNET with your subnet in cidr notation (same as fusion1): ###/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main' # use data in another directory
# (change requires restart)
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf' # host-based authentication file
# (change requires restart)
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_ident.conf' # ident configuration file
# (change requires resta##TODO
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/9.4-main.pid' # write an extra PID file
# (change requires restart)
listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
# comma-separated list of addresses;
# defaults to 'localhost'; use '*' for all
# (change requires restart)
port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 100 # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql' # comma-separated list of directories
#ssl = true # (change requires restart)
# (change requires restart)
#ssl_cert_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem' # (change requires restart)
#ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil-postgres.key' # (change requires restart)
shared_buffers = 128MB # min 128kB
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix # the default is the first option
shared_preload_libraries = 'bdr' # (change requires restart)
max_worker_processes = 20
wal_level = 'logical' # minimal, archive, hot_standby, or logical
max_wal_senders = 10 # max number of walsender processes
max_replication_slots = 10 # max number of replication slots
track_commit_timestamp = on # collect timestamp of transaction commit
log_error_verbosity = default
log_min_messages = warning
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p-%l] %q%u@%d ' # special values:
log_timezone = 'localtime'
stats_temp_directory = '/var/run/postgresql/9.4-main.pg_stat_tmp'
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'
timezone = 'localtime'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
local all postgres peer
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
#hostssl all all YOURSUBNET trust # FOR SSL
host all all YOURSUBNET trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#local replication postgres peer
host replication postgres md5
#host replication postgres ::1/128 md5
#hostssl replication postgres YOURSUBNET trust # FOR SSL
host replication postgres YOURSUBNET trust
restart postgresql
service postgresql restart
create db extensions for fusionpbx and freeswitch databases:
su -l postgres
psql fusionpbx
create extension btree_gist;
create extension pgcrypto;
create extension bdr;
\connect freeswitch;
create extension btree_gist;
create extension pgcrypto;
create extension bdr;
- On fusion2 join to the bdr group you've created on fusion1. NODE1IP is a management ip of node 1, preferrably a private ip
su -l postgres
psql fusionpbx
select bdr.bdr_group_join(local_node_name := 'fusion2', node_external_dsn := 'host=NODE2IP port=5432 dbname=fusionpbx connect_timeout=10 keepalives_idle=5 keepalives_interval=1', join_using_dsn := 'host=NODE1IP port=5432 dbname=fusionpbx connect_timeout=10 keepalives_idle=5 keepalives_interval=1');
\connect freeswitch
select bdr.bdr_group_join(local_node_name := 'fusion2', node_external_dsn := 'host=NODE2IP port=5432 dbname=freeswitch connect_timeout=10 keepalives_idle=5 keepalives_interval=1', join_using_dsn := 'host=NODE1IP port=5432 dbname=freeswitch connect_timeout=10 keepalives_idle=5 keepalives_interval=1');
You should see the fusionpx on fusion2 contains a number of tables after the join, as it has copied the tables from fusion1. If both joins succeeded replication is now happening between both nodes. You can check to see that the join has succeeded by doing a select bdr.bdr_node_join_wai1. t_for_ready();
on each database. If it worked it will return, if it hangs, something has gone wrong.
You can also see the status of the nodes in the group by doing: select * from bdr.bdr_nodes;
Active replicating nodes have node status 'r'.
Initializing nodes have node status 'i'.
Dead/killed nodes have node status 'k'.
To remove a node/start over/re-join a node see here TODO
- Add the freeswitch tables so we can switch from sqlite to postgresql. This can be done on either fusion1 or fusion2 (but not both), as replication is now taking place.
cd /tmp
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fusionpbx/fusionpbx/master/resources/install/sql/switch.sql
chmod 755 switch.sql
su -l postgres
psql -U postgres -d freeswitch -f /tmp/switch.sql -L sql.log
Now that fusion2 is in the bdr group we can install fusionpbx on fusion2. This way we still have a GUI if fusion1 goes down for some reason. Repeat step 2 for fusion1 on fusion2 to install fusionpbx on fusion2, make sure you uncomment the BDR section the same way to avoid having two instances of postgres. Make sure you can login to both fusion1 and fusion2.
Tell freeswitch to use the postgres database. You'll have to set/uncomment the following lines in each file: ###/etc/freeswitch/callcenter.conf
<param name="odbc-dsn" value="$${dsn}"/>
<param name="switchname" value="freeswitch"/>
<param name="core-db-dsn" value="$${dsn}" />
<param name="odbc-dsn" value="$${dsn}"/>
<param name="core-db-dsn" value="$${dsn}" />
<param name="odbc-dsn" value="$${dsn}"/>
- In order to tell fusion where the database is we need to define the DSN. Find out what the DSN is with:
cat /etc/fusionpbx/config.lua | grep database.switch
root@jessie:/home/vagrant# cat /etc/fusionpbx/config.lua | grep database.switch
database.switch = "pgsql://hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=freeswitch user=fusionpbx password=YOURPASS options='' application_name='freeswitch'";
- Create the DSN variable in the web GUI. Go to Advanced -> Variables, and click the plus on the right hand side in the defaults section. Create the variable with the following info:
Name: dsn
Value: pgsql://hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=freeswitch user=fusionpbx password=YOURPASS options='' application_name='freeswitch'
switchname: freeswitch
Category: defaults
- Now create another variable called dsn_system. You can get the value by doing this command:
cat /etc/fusionpbx/config.lua | grep database.system
Name: dsn_system
Value: pgsql://hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=fusionpbx user=fusionpbx password=YOURPASS options='' application_name='fusionpbx'
switchname: freeswitch
Category: defaults
- Update the sip profiles table so they are kept in the postgres fusionpbx database instead of sqlite (default):
su postgres
psql fusionpbx
UPDATE v_sip_profile_settings SET sip_profile_setting_enabled = 'true' WHERE sip_profile_setting_name = 'odbc-dsn' AND sip_profile_setting_enabled = 'false';
- Go into
and delete all the sqlite databases, then restart freeswitch on both fusion1 and fusion2. if freeswitch starts up again and/var/lib/freeswitch/db
is empty you've successfully switched to postgres. If something goes wrong check the freeswitch log.
. keepalived
. add another set of sip profiles