Image Resizer for React-Native Applications

Welcome to the Image Resizer repository! This tool was designed with one goal in mind: to make the process of resizing images in React-Native applications as effortless as possible.

Quick Setup

Follow these steps to make use of this awesome tool:

  1. Clone this repository

    Use the following command in your terminal to clone this repository:

    git clone

    Replace 'YourUserName' and 'RepoName' with your GitHub username and this repository's name respectively.

  2. Run the resize script

    Navigate into the cloned repository directory, and run the script:

    cd RepoName
  3. Select your image

    Upon running the script, you will be prompted to select an image from your system. Please navigate to your desired image and select it.

  4. Select your React-Native project folder

    After selecting the image, you will be prompted to select your React-Native project folder. Navigate to your project folder and select it.

What Does It Do?

Its a script that takes the image you selected and creates multiple scaled versions of it, suitable for use as icons that show on the device. After creating these icons, the script will also update the relevant files within your project to use these newly created icons.

This script is primarily targeted for the Android build and getting you on the play store fast!