Lutris buildbot

This repository contains various build scripts for runners and games used by
Lutris. The target system for these scripts is Ubuntu 18.04 (the same system
used by the Lutris runtime).

It is advised to run these scripts from a LXC container. It's potentially
possible to use other container technology such as Docker but we strongly
advise against it. Virtual machines are ok to use too.

The only case where these containers need to communicate is when build 64bit
builds of Wine. These builds are actually multi-arch and provide 32 and 64bit
support. Make sure the 32 bit container is able to SSH (without a password) to
ubuntu@buildbot64 and inversely, that the 64bit container can SSH to

To create the containers, first make sure you have the client installed::

    On Ubuntu: sudo apt install lxd lxd-client
    On Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S lxd

Then, enable and start the lxd service::

    sudo systemctl enable lxd.service
    sudo systemctl start lxd.service

If this is a new lxd installation, prepare the host environment:

    cat buildbot/preseed | sudo lxd init --preseed

alternatively to manually set all lxd options (not recommended) use:

    sudo lxd init

You can create the containers with a command such as::

    sudo lxc launch images:ubuntu/bionic/amd64 buildbot-bionic-amd64

or for the 32bit container::

    sudo lxc launch images:ubuntu/bionic/i386 buildbot-bionic-i386

To set up the container, you can enter it with the following command::

    sudo lxc exec <container name> bash

On each container, set a passwd for your ubuntu user::

    passwd ubuntu

On each container, to install packages without having to enter a root password add with visudo:

    ubuntu ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt
    ubuntu ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get
    ubuntu ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/dpkg

Exit both containers, then run to setup ssh config files on the host and containers:

    cd buildbot
    ./ buildbot-bionic-amd64 buildbot-bionic-i386

Run the container setup script for each container (under host machine):

    ./ buildbot-bionic-amd64
    ./ buildbot-bionic-i386

Perform the following so that each container can communicate with eachother and are build ready (do not set passphrase):

    ssh buildbot-bionic-amd64
    chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu ~/.ssh/config
    ssh-copy-id ubuntu@buildbot32

    ssh buildbot-bionic-i386
    chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu ~/.ssh/config
    ssh-copy-id ubuntu@buildbot64

Now you are ready to compile. To build a wine runner:

   ssh buildbot-bionic-amd64
   cd buildbot/runners/wine
   ./ -pass -your -options -here

Options available are:

        -a|--as) usage: -a <custom build name>
        -b|--branch) usage: -b <git repo branch>
        -w|--with) usage: -w <git repo>
        -v|--version) usage: -v <version>
        -p|--patch) usage: -p <patch>


	ssh ubuntu@buildbot-bionic-amd64
	./ --as lutris --version 4.16 --with --branch lutris-ge-4.16 --noupload --keep

	ssh ubuntu@buildbot-bionic-i386
	./ --as lutris --version 4.16 --with --branch lutris-ge-4.16 --noupload --keep

Note #1: If you are running a build for the first time, you will also want to use the -d option to install build dependencies
Note #2: x86_64 build utilizes the i386 lxd container and is built with 32 bit included, you do not need to run both. i386 is for an i386-only build.


Runner uploads are limited to Lutris staff members who have access to our Digital Ocean CDN.

awscli, s3cmd and doctl are required to upload files. All required tools will be installed with the script.

Then configure your credential files in ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.s3cfg