
The OWASP Testing Guide includes a "best practice" penetration testing framework which users can implement in their own organizations and a "low level" penetration testing guide that describes techniques for testing most common web application and web service security issues.

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OWASP Testing Guide Project

Contributions Welcome OWASP Flagship

Welcome to the OWASP Testing Guide (OTG) project! You can download the stable version v4 here.

Contributions, Feature Requests, and Feedback

Everyone can contribute! By simply reading the document, which you certainly should do, grammar mistakes, new ideas, or paragraph restructuring thoughts will show themselves! Just try it out, you'll see 😄

Not to mention, you'll be on the authors, or reviewers and editors list.

Whenever you identify a contribution possibility, open up an issue with it in order for us to keep track and assign project milestones.

For the ones that enjoy providing constructive feedback and feel like they can review other's contributions, head straight to our Pull Requests!

Despite us being technical, we love having technical and casual chats with others. Join us by following the below steps:

Before you start contributing, please check our contribution guide which should help you get started and follow our best practices.

You can as well open up a post on our Google Group!

Style Guidelines

  • Please don't write in the first person (Ex: no "I" or "Me" statements).
  • Please do use Title Caps for headings, using Title Capitalization as defined by the 'Chicago Manual of Style'. For quick reference you can use this online tool: https://capitalizemytitle.com/#Chicago (make sure you select the "Chicago" tab).
  • Please do use serial or Oxford commas.
  • Don't use and/or, chances are you can simply write or. (Note: The OR allows for the same True result as an AND, while also allowing for other combinations producing True results.) Unless, you actually mean something like "A and/exclusive or B" in which case read the sentence to yourself with those words and then figure out a different way to write it 😄.

Project Summit 2017 Outcomes

The outcomes can be found here