
Primary LanguageJavaScript

toc - primer solidity (demo with faucet contract) - array - delete item in array - mapping - naming - multiple dimension mapping - predefine - msg.sender - function - internal, external - private, public - view - constructor - class - inheritance - interface - faucet https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook/blob/develop/code/Solidity/Faucet8.sol

- token standards with openzepplin
	- erc20
		- ico idea
		- structure
		- write test
	- erc721
		- non-fungible and collectible idea
		- structure
			- erc721.sol
		- write test

- real world ico 
	- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IqsgSyA8BQ&list=PLS5SEs8ZftgULF-lbxy-is9x_7mTMHFIN

- real world game
	- MTG
		- init minting for owner
		- show up cards for each account
		- setting up auction for sell and buy card
		- https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/pull/989/files
	- list out all on sale cards

		Sell {
			- price
			- seller

		- array id to sell
		- mapping from id to sell struct