
Sonic driver written in Go.

Primary LanguageGo

GoDoc GoLint

Go client for the sonic search backend

This package implement all commands to work with sonic. If there is one missing, open an issue ! :)

Sonic: https://github.com/valeriansaliou/sonic


go get github.com/expectedsh/go-sonic


package main

import (

func main() {

	ingester, err := sonic.NewIngester("localhost", 1491, "SecretPassword")
	if err != nil {

	// I will ignore all errors for demonstration purposes

	_ = ingester.BulkPush("movies", "general", 3, []sonic.IngestBulkRecord{
		{"id:6ab56b4kk3", "Star wars"},
		{"id:5hg67f8dg5", "Spider man"},
		{"id:1m2n3b4vf6", "Batman"},
		{"id:68d96h5h9d0", "This is another movie"},

	search, err := sonic.NewSearch("localhost", 1491, "SecretPassword")
	if err != nil {

	results, _ := search.Query("movies", "general", "man", 10, 0)


Benchmark bulk

Method BulkPush and BulkPop use custom connection pool with goroutine dispatch algorithm. This is the benchmark (file sonic/ingester_test.go):

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/expectedsh/go-sonic/sonic
BenchmarkIngesterChannel_BulkPushMaxCPUs-8   	       2	 662657959 ns/op
BenchmarkIngesterChannel_BulkPush10-8        	       2	 603779977 ns/op
BenchmarkIngesterChannel_Push-8              	       1	1023322864 ns/op

Bulk push is faster than for loop on Push. Hardware detail: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz

Thread Safety

The driver itself isn't thread safe. You could use locks or channels to avoid crashes.

package main

import (


func main() {
	events := make(chan []string, 1)

	event := []string{"some_text", "some_id"}
	tryCrash := func() {
		for {
			// replace "event" with whatever is giving you events: pubsub, amqp messages…
			events <- event

	go tryCrash()
	go tryCrash()
	go tryCrash()
	go tryCrash()

	ingester, _ := sonic.NewIngester("localhost", 1491, "SecretPassword")

	for {
		msg := <-events
		// Or use some buffering along with BulkPush
		ingester.Push("collection", "bucket", msg[1], msg[0])