Book Portal

Project Description

The Book Portal is a comprehensive backend service for managing the core operations of a library. It provides a suite of tools for librarians to maintain an efficient and organized inventory and handle library members effectively. The key features include:

  • Book Inventory Management: Allows for adding, updating, and deleting books from the library’s collection.
  • Member Management: Facilitates the registration, updating, and deletion of library members.
  • Borrowing and Returning System: Tracks the borrowing and returning of books, ensuring accurate inventory records.
  • Overdue and Penalty Tracking: Helps identify overdue books and apply penalties, if applicable.

This API is built to simplify library operations, providing a secure, reliable, and scalable solution for managing books and members.

Live Demo / URL

You can access the live API at:

Live URL

Technology Stack

This project is built with a robust technology stack to ensure high performance and maintainability:

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for backend development.
  • Express.js: Web framework for creating RESTful APIs.
  • Prisma ORM: Object-Relational Mapper for seamless interaction with the PostgreSQL database.
  • PostgreSQL: Relational database used for structured data storage.
  • TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript that adds strong typing, improving code quality and maintainability.


  • CRUD Operations: Easily perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on books and members.
  • Borrow and Return Management: Smoothly handle borrowing and returning transactions, tracking due dates and book availability.
  • Overdue Notifications and Penalties: Automatically calculate and apply penalties for overdue books.
  • Scalability: Designed to scale and support libraries with a large volume of books and members.
  • Data Validation: Built with TypeScript for robust type-checking, reducing runtime errors.

Setup Instructions

To set up and run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd A-8-Prisma-SQL