Feel free to watch nvidia-smi and memory usage !
89C 100W 8533MiB/11178MiB 76%
60C 252W 10429MiB/11175MiB 99%
86C 161W 10189MiB/11178MiB 57%
Mem: 41702MiB/64371MiB 64%
Swp: 147MiB/32758MiB 0%
Just adding these to ~/.bashrc
and then source ~/.bashrc
_watch_all() {
nvidia-smi|grep Def|cut -c 8-11,20-24,35-43,45,47-54,60-64;
free_m_result=$(free -m);
curr_mem=$(echo "$free_m_result"| grep Mem | cut -c 26-31);
total_mem=$(echo "$free_m_result" | grep Mem | cut -c 15-19);
curr_swp=$(echo "$free_m_result" | grep Swap | cut -c 26-31);
tatal_swp=$(echo "$free_m_result" | grep Swap | cut -c 15-19);
printf 'Mem: %5sMiB/%5sMiB%4i%%\n' $curr_mem $total_mem $((curr_mem*100/total_mem))
printf 'Swp: %5sMiB/%5sMiB%4i%%\n' $curr_swp $tatal_swp $((curr_swp*100/tatal_swp))
alias watch-all="watch -t bash -i -c '_watch_all'"