
Perl module for UN numbers

Primary LanguagePerl


This perl module presents an interface for details about UN numbers.


use Number::UN 'get_un';

my %un = get_un(1993);
print $un{description}; # Combustible liquids, n.o.s.

What is a UN number?

UN numbers or UN IDs are four-digit numbers that identify hazardous substances, and
articles (such as explosives, flammable liquids, toxic substances, etc.) in the
framework of international transport. Some hazardous substances have their own UN
numbers (e.g. acrylamide has UN2074), while sometimes groups of chemicals or
products with similar properties receive a common UN number (e.g. flammable liquids,
not otherwise specified, have UN1993). A chemical in its solid state may receive a
different UN number than the liquid phase if their hazardous properties differ
significantly; substances with different levels of purity (or concentration in
solution) may also receive different UN numbers.

From UN number - Wikipedia, 16 Feb 2012.


The source code is distributed under the Perl5/Artistic License, copyright John Tantalo (2012).

The data material (see lib/Number/UN-data/) is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This material was collected from List of UN numbers - Wikipedia, 16 Feb 2012.