Python Space Invaders


This game has been written using Python and pygame. Important to note that the game has been tested on ONLY Linux-based OSs, and may not work on Windows. There is a spaceship in this game which can fire two types of missiles - one is slower but kills enemy on contace while other is faster but only freezes the enemy on contact. Aim of game is to get as maximum score as possible.


The application demonstrates Object oriented structure.

Running the program

  • Install pygame using following set of commands -
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thopiekar/pygame
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get install python3-pygame
  • Start the game by using python3 in the game directory.


  • Controls follow traditional classic titles (A,D) for left and right movement of missile
  • To fire a slow missile press spacebar
  • To fire a fast missile press s
  • To quit, press q