
My solutions for the Advent of Code for 2022. https://adventofcode.com

Primary LanguageC++

Advent of Code 2022

These are my solutions for the 2022 Advent of Code. The numbered folders indicate the day, and most days contain both parts in a single file. Since day 7, I've been focusing on using C++ to become more familiar with the language rather than trying a different language each day.

Languages used


Day Language used
01 C# (script)
02 Google Sheets formulas
03 Python
04 C++
05 TypeScript (Deno)
06 Scratch 3
07 C++
08 C++
09 ???
10 ???
11 ???
12 ???
13 ???
14 ???
15 ???
16 ???
17 ???
18 ???
19 ???
20 ???
21 ???
22 ???
23 ???
24 ???
25 ???