Entropy and Memorability Based Video Summarization
- 0xhanh
- ahcen23France
- Akash-KunwarBengaluru
- aminullah6264Oregon State University
- AudunVNTrondheim, Norway
- blueprintparadise
- chengstoneTokyo
- Clever-BoyDallas, Texas
- cqun-XIN
- esmaeilinia
- ezzatmostafa96Cairo, Egypt
- fakerybakeryFull-Time Open-Source Contributor
- FathUMinUllah3797University of Central Lancashire
- garvitbatra02Delhi Technological University
- ghareshshinde
- jzj
- KilichbekKAUST
- longyangqiZhejiang University
- lrain-CN
- meisa233
- NatMota
- Oskop
- PhamThinh31
- phuchoang92
- pszemrajAtlanta, GA
- RayX47
- RS-v620
- salmank255Oxford Brookes University
- Solayman-EmonDhaka, Bangladesh
- tahirjhanSeoul, South Korea
- TARUN0402Vellore Institute Of Technology
- tingxueronghua
- tiwarisnehilVaranasi,India
- TramacBaidu
- WillBrennanLondon
- XYYhub