
A web app for language and vocabulary learning in English, Spanish, French, and Russian. Tools used: 1. p5: https://p5js.org/ 2. Web Speech API https://wicg.github.io/speech-api/ 3. QueryString

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Mr.WorldWide, The Snowman

A Language & Vocabulary Learning Game

Our game is a hangman-esque game to help learn different languages one at a time. This was created as a final project for the 2020 Google CSSI: Online summer program for incoming college students.

Creators: Tanvi Namjoshi, Olivia Lee, Alexander Adrogue

Play Here:




That's this file, which explains the different components of the website

← index.html

This is the home html page which has two buttons (link elements) that connect to levels.html and instructions.html

← levels.html

Select the level and language you want to play with! Sends this info to the game.html page using QueryString

← game.html

The webpage that actually hosts the game

← instructions.html

an html page that has the instructions for the game as well as buttons to home (index.html) and to the levels.html

← style.css

The CSS file that styles ALL of the html pages

← dictionaries.js

small js file to hold all the dictionaries for the languages

← script.js

This adds interactivity to the game using a p5 canvas (p5 library)

← assets

Incudes assets, like images or music, that are used in this project!


Created by Tanvi Namjoshi, Olivia Lee, and Alexander Adrogue as part of Google CSSI 2020

Thank you to all of our mentors and advisors during CSSI


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