This is the sourcecode project from the white paper Implementing event-driven GUI patterns using the ZK Java AJAX framework.
Tested against Java8, ZK 7.0.1, Spring 3.2.8 and Hiberante 3.6.10
Running on the OpenShift PaaS Cloud
Running on the Heroku PaaS Cloud
git clone
mvn -Djetty.port=8080 -DDATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@localhost:port/db package jetty:run
within the source code there are config settings for running on mysql db, postgresql db and hsqldb see
the for more details on switching to MySQL database. See
for the create table command.
The line
in file
may or may not create the required database table depending on your database setup. Of course that setting is a bit lazy you can have hibernate generate the sql ddl script and use the local tools to manage your schema for a real app.