TanX - Precommit-hooks

Some out-of-the-box hooks for pre-commit.
See also: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit

Steps to import and use pre-commit-hooks:

  1. Create .pre-commit-config.yaml in the root directory
  2. Select the hooks to use, as shown below
  - repo: https://github.com/tanx-libs/precommit-hooks
    rev: v1.0.1  # please check the latest release, under releases
      - id: private_key_check # checkout all hooks under .pre-commit-hooks.yaml
  1. Run pre-commit install in the root directory

Now with every new commit, staged files would be checked
to run the hook throughout the exixting codebase, run pre-commit run --all-files

Hooks available

Private keys detector - id: private_key_check

  • Check for any private keys in the staged files
  • detects private keys of length [64,66]
  • private keys can also begin with 0x,
  • to skip the checks for a line, use # noqa:keycheck
PRIVATE_ADDRESS="1a4b0778f...e99fc33fff87c821829" # noqa:keycheck

script - pre_commit_hooks/private_key_check.py