
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

tanX Connector NodeJS

The official NodeJS connector for tanX's API 🚀

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  • Complete endpoints including REST and WebSockets
  • Methods return parsed JSON.
  • High level abstraction for ease of use.
  • Easy authentication
  • Automatically sets JWT token internally
  • Calls refresh endpoint when token expires.
  • Typescript Types✨

tanX Connector includes utility/connector functions which can be used to interact with the tanX API. It uses axios internally to handle all requests. It includes interceptors for setting JWT and handling re-login on token expiry.


First, go to tanX's Website and create an account with your wallet.

Install from npm

npm i @tanx-libs/tanx-connector

Getting Started

The default base url for mainnet is https://api.tanx.fi. All REST apis, WebSockets are handled by Client, WsClient classes respectively. All operations must be handled in a try-catch block.


Check out the example files to see an example workflow.

To use library inside example files

npm run start
npm run start:ws

Rest Client

Import the REST Client

import { Client } from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'

Create a new instance.

const client = new Client()
// or
const client = new Client('testnet') // default mainnet

General Endpoints

Test connectivity

GET /sapi/v1/health/


24hr Price

GET /sapi/v1/market/tickers/

client.get24hPrice({ market: 'ethusdc' })

Kline/Candlestick Data

GET /sapi/v1/market/kline/

  market: 'ethusdc',
  period: 120,

Order Book

GET /sapi/v1/market/orderbook/

  market: 'ethusdc',

Recent trades

GET /sapi/v1/market/trades/

  market: 'ethusdc',


Both login and completeLogin sets JWT as Authorization Token. Optionally, setAccessToken and setRefreshToken can be used to set tokens directly.

getNonce: POST /sapi/v1/auth/nonce/
login: POST /sapi/v1/auth/login/

import { signMsg } from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'

const nonce = await client.getNonce(ethAddress)
const signedMsg = signMsg(nonce.payload, ethPrivateKey)
const loginRes = await client.login(ethAddress, signedMsg.signature)

// or

const loginRes = await client.completeLogin(ethAddress, ethPrivateKey) //calls above functions internally

// or

client.setAccessToken(access) // same as client.setToken()
// these functions are called internally when you use login or completeLogin

Refresh Token

POST /sapi/v1/auth/token/refresh/

If refresh token is set (manually or by using login functions), the refresh endpoint is called automatically when access token expires. Optionally, you can call refreshTokens manually by passing in refreshToken (passing it is optional, it'll work if has been set before).

const res = await client.refreshTokens(refreshToken)


Sets tokens to null


Profile Information (Private đź”’)

GET /sapi/v1/user/profile/


Balance details (Private đź”’)

GET /sapi/v1/user/balance/


Profit and Loss Details (Private đź”’)

GET /sapi/v1/user/pnl/


Create order (Private đź”’)

Create Nonce Body

const nonceBody: CreateOrderNonceBody = {
  market: 'ethusdc',
  ord_type: 'market',
  price: 29580.51,
  side: 'buy',
  volume: 0.0001,

If you are affiliated with the tanX organization, please ensure that you add the organization_key and api_key to the request body in both the nonce and create endpoints. This field is entirely optional. To obtain these keys, please reach out to tanX at support@tanx.fi.

const nonceBody: CreateOrderNonceBody = {
  market: 'ethusdc',
  ord_type: 'market',
  price: 29580.51,
  side: 'buy',
  volume: 0.0001,
  organization_key: 'YOUR_ORGANIZATION_KEY', // This is an optional field. The organization’s key shared by tanX organization.
  api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY', // This is an optional field. The organization’s API key shared by tanX organization.

Create Order

createOrderNonce: POST /sapi/v1/orders/nonce/ createNewOrder: POST /sapi/v1/orders/create/

const order = await client.createCompleteOrder(nonceBody, ethPrivateKey)
//calls below functions internally, we recommend using createCompleteOrder for ease of use

// or
import { signMsgHash } from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'

const orderNonce = await client.createOrderNonce(nonceBody)
const signedBody = signMsgHash(orderNonce.payload, ethPrivateKey)
const order = await client.createNewOrder({
  organization_key: '', // This is an optional field. The organization’s key shared by tanX organization.
  api_key: '',
}) // This is an optional field. The organization’s API key shared by tanX organization.

// or
import {
} from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'

const orderNonce = await client.createOrderNonce(nonceBody)
const userSignature = createUserSignature(ethPrivateKey, 'testnet') // or sign it yourself; default mainnet
const keyPair = getKeyPairFromSignature(userSignature.signature)
const signedBody = signOrderWithStarkKeys(keyPair, orderNonce.payload)
const order = await client.createNewOrder(signedBody)

Bulk Cancel (Private đź”’)

bulkCancel: POST /sapi/v1/user/bulkcancel/

const order = await client.bulkCancel({
  market: 'btcusdt', // specify the market to cancel
  limit: '100', // This is an optional field; the default limit is 100.
  side: 'buy', // This is an optional field, which the orders need to be cancelled

Get Order (Private đź”’)

GET /sapi/v1/orders/{order_id}/


List orders (Private đź”’)

GET /sapi/v1/orders/


Cancel Order (Private đź”’)

POST /sapi/v1/orders/cancel/


List Trades (Private đź”’)

GET /sapi/v1/trades/


WebSocket Client

Import the WebSocket Client

import { WsClient } from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'

Create a new instance

const wsClient = new WsClient('public')
// or
const wsClient = new WsClient('public', 'testnet') // default is 'mainnet'
// or
const loginRes = await client.completeLogin(ethAddress, ethPrivateKey)
const wsClient = new WsClient('private', 'testnet', loginRes.token.access)
// pass in jwt as 3rd argument for private connections




const streams = ['btcusdc.trades', 'btcusdc.ob-inc', 'btcusdc.kline-5m']

// or fpr private

wsClient.subscribe(['trade', 'order'])


const streams = ['btcusdc.trades', 'btcusdc.ob-inc', 'btcusdc.kline-5m']

// or fpr private

wsClient.unsubscribe(['trade', 'order'])




WsClient includes a member called ws which is initialized with the NodeJS WebSocket library (ws). You may use it to handle WebSocket operations.

wsClient.ws.on('message', (data) => {

Error Handling

Errors thrown are of types AuthenticationError | AxiosError.


import { isAuthenticationError } from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'
try {
  // async operations
} catch (e) {
  if (isAuthenticationError(e)) {
  } else {
    console.log(e as AxiosError<Response<string>>)

Create L2 Key Pair

You can create your own stark key pairs using the utility functions below

import { generateKeyPairFromEthPrivateKey } from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'

const keypair = generateKeyPairFromEthPrivateKey(ethPrivateKey, 'testnet') // default is mainnet

const stark_public_key = keypair.getPublic().getX().toString('hex')
const stark_private_key = keypair.getPrivate().toString('hex')

Internal Transfer

Users will be able to seamlessly transfer assets from their CEXs or other chains with minimal fees.

To get started with the feature, follow these two steps:

  1. Reach out to tanX (support@tanx.fi) to get the organization key and API key.

  2. Generate the L2 key pair with your private key using the following example:

import { generateKeyPairFromEthPrivateKey } from '@tanx-libs/tanx-connector'

const keypair = generateKeyPairFromEthPrivateKey(ethPrivateKey, 'testnet')

Available methods:

To process the internal transfer, call the initiateAndProcessInternalTransfers method and pass the necessary arguments:

const internalTransferResponse =
  await client.initiateAndProcessInternalTransfers(
    keypair, // The keypair generated in the above step.
    organizationKey, // The organization’s key shared by tanX organization.
    apiKey, // The organization’s API key shared by tanX organization.
    'usdc', // The currency (e.g., USDC). Currently, we support USDC.
    amount, // The amount (e.g., 10).
    destination_address, // The receiver's eth address.
    client_reference_id, // This is an optional field. If not specified, then it’s generated randomly. You can use this to uniquely identify a transfer at your end.

Retrieve a list of transfers initiated by the authenticated user:

const internalTransferList = await client.listInternalTransfers({
  limit: 10, // This field is optional.
  offset: 10, // This field is optional.

Retrieve an internal transfer using its client reference id:

const internalTransferList = await client.getInternalTransferByClientId(
  client_reference_id, // The client reference id you want to retrieve

Check if a user exists by their destination address.

const checkUserRes = await client.checkInternalTransferUserExists(
  destination_address, // The destination address you want to check.

Setting Allowance

Granting permission for token spending enables transactions on Ethereum and other chains.

Supported EVM cross-chain networks: 'ETHEREUM', 'POLYGON', 'OPTIMISM', 'ARBITRUM', 'LINEA', 'SCROLL', 'MODE'.

// Note: Please use ethers version 5.5.3.
import { Wallet, ethers } from 'ethers'

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
  process.env.RPC_PROVIDER, // Replace your RPC URL based on your destination network.

const signer = new Wallet(privateKey, provider)

const res = await client.setAllowance(
  'usdc', // Enter the coin symbol.
  'SCROLL', // Enter the network for which you want to grant allowance.
  // This argument is optional; if you pass the argument, the gasLimit and gasPrice will be overridden while executing the transaction.
  // {
  //   gasLimit: '',
  //   gasPrice: '',
  // },


Ethereum Deposit

There are two ways to make a deposit on the Ethereum network:

1. Using ETH Private Key and RPC URL:

In this method, you will use an ETH private key and an RPC URL to execute a deposit. You'll also need to create an RPC URL using services like Infura, Alchemy, etc. Here's the code snippet for this method:

  const res = await client.depositFromEthereumNetwork(
    process.env.RPC_PROVIDER as string, // Replace your RPC URL based on your destination network.
    privateKey, // Your ETH private key.
    'testnet', // Network allowed values are 'testnet' or 'mainnet'.
    'eth', // Enter the coin symbol.
    0.00001, // Enter the amount you want to deposit.

2. Using Custom Provider and Signer:

This method involves using a custom provider and signer, which can be created using the ethers.js library. The stark_public_key mentioned in the code should be obtained using the steps described in the Create L2 Key Pair section. Here's the code snippet for this method:

// Note: Please use ethers version 5.5.3.
import { Wallet, ethers } from 'ethers'

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
  process.env.RPC_PROVIDER, // Replace your RPC URL based on your destination network.

const signer = new Wallet(privateKey, provider)

const depositRes = await client.depositFromEthereumNetworkWithStarkKey(
  signer, // The signer created above.
  provider, // The provider created above.
  `0x${stark_public_key}`, // The stark_public_key created above.
  0.0000001, // Enter the amount you want to deposit.
  'eth', // Enter the coin symbol.

Cross-Chain Deposit

There are two protocols to make a deposit on the Cross-chain: one is EVM (Ethereum-supported chain) and the other is Starknet deposit.

1. EVM Cross-Chain Deposit

There are two ways to make a deposit on the EVM Cross-chain:

Supported EVM cross-chain networks - 'POLYGON' | 'OPTIMISM' | 'ARBITRUM' | 'LINEA' | 'SCROLL' | 'MODE'

1. Using ETH Private Key and RPC URL:

In this method, you will use an ETH private key and an RPC URL to execute a Cross-Chain deposit. You'll also need to create an RPC URL using services like Infura, Alchemy, etc. Here's the code snippet for this method:

  const depositRes = await client.crossChainDeposit(
    process.env.RPC_PROVIDER as string, // Replace your RPC URL based on your destination network.
    privateKey, // Your ETH private key.
    'usdt', // Enter the coin symbol.
    1, // Enter the amount you want to deposit.
    'SCROLL' // Enter the network you want to deposit into.
    // This argument is optional; if you pass the argument, the gasLimit and gasPrice will be overridden while executing the transaction.
      gasLimit: '',
      gasPrice: '',

2. Using Custom Provider and Signer:

This method involves using a custom provider and signer, which can be created using the ethers.js library. Here's the code snippet for this method:

// Note: Please use ethers version 5.5.3.
import { Wallet, ethers } from 'ethers'

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
  process.env.RPC_PROVIDER, // Replace your RPC URL based on your destination network.

const signer = new Wallet(privateKey, provider)

const depositRes = await client.crossChainDepositWithSigner(
  signer, // The signer created above.
  provider, // The provider created above.
  'usdc', // Enter the coin symbol.
  0.00001, // Enter the amount you want to deposit.
  'SCROLL' // Enter the network you want to deposit into.
  // This argument is optional; if you pass the argument, the gasLimit and gasPrice will be overridden while executing the transaction.
    gasLimit: '',
    gasPrice: '',

2. Starknet Cross-Chain Deposit

There are two ways to make a deposit on the Starknet Cross-chain:

Currently, Starknet deposits are only supported on the tanX mainnet.

1. Using Starknet Private Key and RPC URL:

In this method, you will use a Starknet private key and an RPC URL to execute a Cross-Chain deposit. You'll also need to create an RPC URL using services like Infura, Alchemy, etc. Here's the code snippet for this method:

  const depositRes = await client.starknetDeposit(
    '14', // Enter the amount you want to deposit.
    'usdc', // Enter the coin symbol.
    process.env.STARKNET_RPC_PROVIDER as string, // Replace your RPC URL based on your destination network.
    starknetPublicKey as string,  // Your starknet public address.
    starknetPrivateKey as string,  // Your starknet private key.

2. Using Custom Provider and Signer:

This method involves using a custom provider and signer, which can be created using the starknet.js library. Here's the code snippet for this method:

// Note: Please use starknet.js version 5.14.1.
import { Account, RpcProvider } from 'starknet'

// Replace your RPC URL based on your destination network.
const provider = new RpcProvider({ nodeUrl: rpcURL  })
const account = new Account(

const depositRes = await client.starknetDepositWithStarknetSigner(
  '14', // Enter the amount you want to deposit.
  'usdc', // Enter the coin symbol.
   starknetPublicKey as string,  // Your starknet public address.
   account, // The account created above.
   provider, // The provider created above.

List Deposits

To get the deposit history, you can use the following code:

const depositsList = await client.listDeposits({
  network: 'ETHEREUM', // Specify the network for which you want to list the deposit history. Allowed networks include 'ETHEREUM', 'POLYGON', 'OPTIMISM', 'ARBITRUM', 'LINEA', 'SCROLL', 'STARKNET' and 'MODE'.
  page: 2, // This is an optional field
  limit: 1, // This is an optional field


Generally, we have two modes of withdrawal: Normal Withdrawal and Fast Withdrawal. For withdrawal methods that require a signer and provider, please refer to the deposit method mentioned above.

Normal Withdrawal

With Normal Withdrawal, your requested funds will be processed within a standard time frame (24 hours). This mode is suitable for users who are not in a rush to access their funds and are comfortable with the regular processing time.

// Withdrawals

// Normal withdrawal:
// 1. Initiate your withdrawal request by calling the "initiateNormalWithdrawal" function.
const withdrawalRes = await client.initiateNormalWithdrawal(
  keyPair, // The keyPair created above
  0.0001, // Enter the amount you want to withdraw
  'usdc', // Enter the coin symbol
// 2. WAIT for up to 24 hours.
// 3. Check whether the withdrawn balance is pending by calling the "getPendingNormalWithdrawalAmountByCoin" function with the required parameters.
const pendingBalance = await client.getPendingNormalWithdrawalAmountByCoin(
  'eth', // Enter the coin symbol
  ethAddress, // User public eth address
  signer, // The signer created above
// 4. In the final step, if you find the balance is more than 0, you can use the "completeNormalWithdrawal" function to withdraw the cumulative amount to your ETH wallet.
const completeNWRes = await client.completeNormalWithdrawal(
  'eth', // Enter the coin symbol
  ethAddress, // User public eth address
  signer, // The signer created above

//Get a list of withdrawals
const withdrawalsList = await client.listNormalWithdrawals({
  page: 2, // This is an optional field

Fast Withdrawal

With Fast Withdrawal, your funds will be processed in an expedited timeframe, often within a few minutes. This mode is ideal for users who require immediate access to their funds and are comfortable with paying a fee.

const fastWithdrawalRes = await client.fastWithdrawal(
  keyPair, // The keyPair created above
  11, // Enter the amount you want to withdraw
  'usdc', // Enter the coin symbol
  'ETHEREUM', // Allowed networks include 'ETHEREUM', 'POLYGON', 'OPTIMISM', 'ARBITRUM', 'LINEA', 'SCROLL', and 'MODE'

//Get a list of fast withdrawals
const fastwithdrawalsList = await client.listFastWithdrawals({
  page: 2, // This is an optional field
  network: 'ETHEREUM', // Allowed networks include 'ETHEREUM', 'POLYGON', 'OPTIMISM', 'ARBITRUM', 'LINEA', 'SCROLL', 'STARKNET' and 'MODE'

Cross-chain withdrawal

Supported EVM cross-chain networks - 'POLYGON' | 'OPTIMISM' | 'ARBITRUM' | 'LINEA' | 'SCROLL' | 'MODE' | 'STARKNET'

On the cross-chain withdrawal network, we only support fast withdrawals.

const fastWithdrawalRes = await client.fastWithdrawal(
  keyPair, // The keyPair created above
  11, // Enter the amount you want to withdraw
  'usdc', // Enter the coin symbol
  'STARKNET', // Enter the network you want to withdraw from.
  starknetPublicKey, // Your StarkNet public address is required if you are doing a StarkNet fast withdrawal.