back-end and webpage to consult invoices (boletos) and send it to the whatsapp number

Primary LanguageHTML

🇧🇷 Para versão em português clique aqui

🛠️ Technologies and languages used

HTML5CSS3JavaScriptNodeJSTailwindCSS whatsapp-web.js

✅ BotX API for the company TecnoPalmas

This project runs a back-end and web page where the customer can enter their data and the system will make API requests to check their pending and overdue bills/invoices. In this way, the customer can select the invoices they want to receive and they will be sent to their WhatsApp number.

The project uses the whatsapp-web.js library to run a whatsapp web instance where a number can be connected via qr code to send bills/invoices. The QR Code can be scanned through the admin panel. All connected whatsapp sessions are saved, no need to scan again when restarting the system.

💡 Demo


💻 Admin Page

The project has a simple admin page to manage the connected number of whatsapp and see the logs.

Admin Page Login Admin page login Dashboard Admin Page dashboard

Manage WhatsApp

  • Scan WhatsApp QR Admin page scan qrcode whatsapp
  • WhatsApp Details Admin page whatsapp details
  • Logs Admin page whatsapp logs