
Primary LanguagePython


Compression Algorithms

Below is a list programs/libraries with their underlying algorithms. In the following sections, program/library name will be used to represent the algorithms described in this section.

De-duplication Systems

Both of the following are block based dedup with file system level possible compression. Usually files are compressed first then dedupped according to block hash.

  • zfs: each block is first optionally compressed by zstd/lz4. Then a hash table indexing all checksums of the blocks are kept in memory to discover potential duplicated blocks.
  • sdfs (opendedup): ?
  • zpaq:
    • When adding files, zpaq uses a rolling hash function to split files into fragments with an average size of 64 KB along content-dependent boundaries. Then it computes the SHA-1 hash of the fragment and compares it with saved hashes from the current and previous versions. If it finds a match then the fragment is not stored.

    • Deduplication requires 1 MB of memory per GB of deduplicated but uncompressed archive data to update, and 0.5 MB per GB to list or extract.

Our Implementation

lzf algorithm in dedup.py: First, a suffix array is constructed from the given string as sa. Then KKP3 decomp.pyx or decomp_navive.py is used to construct Lempel-Ziv Factorization based on sa, which produce prv (the index of staring point of previous occurrence of the current string. When it is -1, it fetches next alphabet from the dictionary), fl (the number of characters to copy starting from where prv points to in order to recover the current factor). Finally, for the dictionary, since we interpret the data in Bytes(8 bits), the maximum is fixed and ignorable compared to the file being compressed. Just the occurrence of each word has to be ordered to match the prv array.

[1]: Linear Time Lempel-Ziv Factorization: Simple, Fast, Small, Juha K ̈arkk ̈ainen, Dominik Kempa, and Simon J. Puglisi

Coding of prv and fl

By using a more efficient coding scheme, the storage space to save these two arrays can be further reduced. We explore the Elias Gamma (EG) src/main.rs code as well as some universal compression libraries such as lzma `zlib.



All available bash version sources archived in gnu.org was downloaded on July 2021 to form the bash dataset. All files are first decompressed and concatenated into a large file for compression unless otherwise stated.

Human genome GRHC38 is used as another benchmark. Due to its size and lzf is not that memory efficient it is broken down into two pieces grch38.1 and grch38.2 to be processed. (It seems that the fasta format is used).

enwik9 is a popular text benchmark primarily used in Large Text Compression Benchmark.

Compression of lzf

For the bash dataset, 44MiB is need both for prv and fl, meanwhile

lzma can save prv 36.88MiB
lzma can save fl  3.37MiB
zlib can save prv 32.39MiB
zlib can save fl  1.35MiB

Using EG does not benefit the prv since those numbers can be compressed better when encoded in offset values.

prv| 44MiB -> EG 69MiB -> zlib 48MiB
fl | 44MiB -> EG 7MiB  -> zlib 5.2MiB

Distribution of the Repeat Length

By using lzf one can chunk the string into multiple repeats, the following table lists the remaining bytes in the original string after the removal of repeated strings. In addition, another popular chunking algorithm called Rabin Window Fingerprint (rab) is also tested. However, due to its parametric nature, it is only possible to designate the expected repeat length.

Factor Length Residual Length
lzf >= 2, <= 76.41MiB
lzf >= 4, <= 89.84MiB
lzf >= 8, <= 98.37MiB
lzf >= 16, <= 112.03MiB
lzf >= 32, <= 128.20MiB
lzf >= 64, <= 149.65MiB
lzf >= 128, <= 176.59MiB
lzf >= 256, <= 197.07MiB
rab E 256 >= 203.37
lzf >= 512, <= 228.90MiB
rab E 512 >= 255.06 MiB
lzf >= 1024, <= 263.14MiB
rab E 1024 >= 308.66 MiB
lzf >= 2048, <= 309.00MiB
rab E 2048 >= 368.40 MiB
lzf >= 4096, <= 369.85MiB
rab E 4096 >= 432.43 MiB
lzf >= 8192, <= 433.28MiB
lzf >= 16384, <= 499.05MiB
lzf >= 32768, <= 559.46MiB
lzf >= 65536, <= 630.49MiB
lzf >=131072, <= 718.99MiB

Memory Consumption Analysis


avg 64KB 1K per 1M


512B per 128K 512M per 128G 5M 1G (bash dataset)


256M per 1T Note: it is unclear how to let fs to do single-file compression on sdfs


9B per B

Deduplication System Test

Using bash data, it is obvious that the files itself can be served as a way to chunk the data, since from time to time, it is possible that the same file would not change from old version to new version. However, when files are concatenated together, then if the files are chunked by methods that are not content-aware, then it is prone to suffer performance loss, which is demonstrated in the zfs case. While zpaq and sdfs both use content-aware chunking methods. Of course lzf is also content-aware, since it finds the repeat in brute force.

In the following table for the bash data, some rows are produced using tarball which means all files are concatenated.

Method Size Compression De-duplication Concatenation
original 932M no no tarball
xz 161M no no tarball
zstd 235M zstd no tarball
gzip 280M zlib no tarball
zfs 1.19G no no no
zfs 648M no yes no
zfs 935M no yes tarball
zfs 474M zstd no no
zfs 237M zstd yes no
zfs 316M zstd yes tarball
sdfs 371M no yes no
sdfs 554M no yes tarball
zpaq 72M zpaq no tarball
zpaq 27M zpaq yes no
lzf 88M lzf yes tarball

Compression Test


On grch38.1 the performance is pretty bad considering the way we encode prv and fl is not optimal, while generic compression algorithms can adapt to this case better.

Method Size
original 1.8G
lzf 1.57G
lzf + zstd 688M
zstd 587M
gzip 561M


lzf with xz savings: 226*2 - 170 = 282 MiB

Results of all other methods can be found on the Benchmark website


Install a C++ compiler and Cython as well as other referenced python packages. Just install every package that it complaints missing. Compile the Cython extension using:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace 

Run the example using python dedup.py.

To run the encode and decode of Elias Gamma, install rustup and use cargo to build and run.