
:books: Topic sentiment analysis hack project (with scraped Pantip.com threads)

Primary LanguagePython


Pantip librarian!

What is Pantip?

Pantip is the biggest online Q&A community in Thailand founded in 1996. Pantip stores a very large user-generated questions and answers in numerous topics, e.g., lifestyle, health, tradings, technologies, sciences, sports, movies, and lots of others.

What does this do?

Pantip Librarian downloads and analyses a bulk of Pantip's user-generated questions and answers with text mining techniques. The ultimate purpose (experimentally) of the project is to extract and capture potential patterns which make the question popular or negatively reacted by the users.


Before running the tasks, these dependencies need to me met:

Make sure you have all above prerequisites installed, up and running.

Prepare development environment

Suppose you have all major dependencies as listed in the previous section installed properly. Now you can simply run the script to install all development dependencies:

$ bash dev-setup.sh

The script basically collects and installs all Python libraries you need for running the library.

Try it

Pantip-Libr is not a complex module so hopefully you can have a speedy first step. Following is the list of common tasks you can find.

1. Download Pantip threads

We have a script to fetch Pantip topics (in a specified range of IDs) and store them in a certain format in CouchDB on your local machine. Simply run the following command:

$ ./fetch

The script will download series of Pantip threads in the specified range of topic IDs and store them in the CouchDB.

Caveat: Please accept my apology. The download script doesn't guard against HTTP connection failures. If network glitch happens, the script poorly ends execution.

2. Process the downloaded threads

To process the downloaded threads, execute the following command. (You may notice that fetch.py should implicitly be triggered at least once before calling this.)

$ ./process

The script spawns several child processes to do the feature vectorisation, classification, and other processing tasks. Basically, the entire process will take some time to finish.

Hint. The subprocesses leave its access logs in the root directory of the repo.

Steps of operation

#step script role
1 core/process.py Tokenise the downloaded records and push to MQ
2 core/textprocess.py Takes the dataset out of MQ and runs machine learning

How it got so far?

Still in experimental phase.

Brief Process:

text => [tfidf] => [normaliser] => [decomposition] => X1

tag  => [vectoriser] => [NMF] => [binariser] => X2

input <--- [X1:X2]

input => [feature selection] => [centroid] => clusters

Dataset & Performance

The dataset of 40,000 records is collected from Pantip.com. 33.3% of the dataset is splitted as validation. Following is the accuracy distribution over the various clustering and decomposition parameters we've conducted.

CLUSTER DECOM N #FT TAG % TOT [0] [1] [-1]
qda SVD 400 None 16 76.51 76.92 60.20 14.29
qda SVD 200 None 16 72.65 73.10 50.00 50.00
qda SVD 100 None 16 72.59 73.06 50.94 0.00
qda SVD 50 None 16 75.81 76.31 51.54 40.00
qda LDA 50 None 16 75.87 76.22 60.07 0.00
qda LDA 25 None 16 74.03 74.35 58.94 25.00
qda LDA 10 None 16 74.37 74.72 57.53 25.00
qda LDA 5 None 16 73.72 73.97 63.70 0.00
qda PCA 400 None 16 76.42 76.75 60.47 20.00
qda PCA 200 None 16 75.81 76.32 52.59 28.57
qda PCA 100 None 16 78.78 79.20 61.05 0.00
qda PCA 50 None 16 75.95 76.18 64.04 16.67
svm SVD 400 None 16 77.56 78.01 58.19 25.00
svm SVD 200 None 16 69.02 69.49 47.04 0.00
svm SVD 100 None 16 76.27 76.75 53.58 25.00
svm SVD 50 None 16 76.09 76.43 60.94 0.00
svm LDA 50 None 16 74.33 74.56 64.66 0.00
svm LDA 25 None 16 70.98 71.41 51.61 33.33
svm LDA 10 None 16 76.67 77.00 63.48 0.00
svm LDA 5 None 16 77.78 78.26 56.06 14.29
svm PCA 400 None 16 79.93 80.27 66.67 0.00
svm PCA 200 None 16 77.26 77.46 69.71 12.50
svm PCA 100 None 16 75.67 76.13 55.79 0.00
svm PCA 50 None 16 73.35 73.65 59.69 0.00
knn SVD 400 None 16 75.45 75.89 56.10 25.00
knn SVD 200 None 16 77.49 77.98 53.72 0.00
knn SVD 100 None 16 75.98 76.46 53.31 0.00
knn SVD 50 None 16 76.73 77.11 60.00 0.00
knn LDA 50 None 16 73.99 74.37 57.25 0.00
knn LDA 25 None 16 77.46 78.09 49.46 0.00
knn LDA 10 None 16 76.10 76.64 51.16 12.50
knn LDA 5 None 16 78.60 79.00 59.38 20.00
knn PCA 400 None 16 77.83 78.27 58.21 42.86
knn PCA 200 None 16 76.61 76.83 68.23 0.00
knn PCA 100 None 16 74.71 74.98 63.77 12.50
knn PCA 50 None 16 73.40 73.84 55.29 28.57
centroid SVD 400 None 16 76.82 77.13 61.63 33.33
centroid SVD 200 None 16 77.93 78.36 58.24 14.29
centroid SVD 100 None 16 73.79 74.10 60.00 25.00
centroid SVD 50 None 16 76.70 77.30 51.08 12.50
centroid LDA 50 None 16 77.56 78.16 50.00 0.00
centroid LDA 25 None 16 76.54 77.00 54.79 33.33
centroid LDA 10 None 16 75.76 76.01 64.73 0.00
centroid LDA 5 None 16 78.06 78.52 59.03 25.00
centroid PCA 400 None 16 75.98 76.63 45.80 14.29
centroid PCA 200 None 16 75.56 76.12 50.18 50.00
centroid PCA 100 None 16 77.90 78.26 61.96 0.00
centroid PCA 50 None 16 76.74 77.09 60.82 25.00
sgd SVD 400 None 16 76.22 76.62 58.02 0.00
sgd SVD 200 None 16 75.48 75.73 64.20 28.57
sgd SVD 100 None 16 76.12 76.41 63.79 0.00
sgd SVD 50 None 16 78.59 79.06 58.78 22.22
sgd LDA 50 None 16 74.05 74.65 45.38 33.33
sgd LDA 25 None 16 76.52 76.78 66.43 12.50
sgd LDA 10 None 16 75.90 76.26 59.55 37.50
sgd LDA 5 None 16 77.67 78.09 57.74 25.00
sgd PCA 400 None 16 73.13 73.59 51.71 28.57
sgd PCA 200 None 16 62.54 62.67 56.90 14.29
sgd PCA 100 None 16 77.74 78.17 59.56 12.50
sgd PCA 50 None 16 80.26 80.67 61.02 14.29

PCA has also been tested but it requires too large amount of memory footprint to produce a proper dense matrix as its input.


CLUSTER : Clustering algorithm
DECOM   : TFIDF to dense matrix decomposition method
N       : Dimension of feature matrix (after reduction)
FT      : Number of selection of best features
TAG     : Dimension of the target dense matrix of topic tags
%TOT    : Total accuracy
[0]     : Accuracy of the class [0] : Neutral responses
[1]     : Accuracy of the class [1] : Positive responses
[-1]    : Accuracy of the class [-1] : Negative responses

Overall performance


Best performance of QDA clustering


Best performance of SVM clustering


Best performance of K-Nearest Neighbours clustering


Best performance of Nearest Centroid clustering


Best performance of SGD clustering


Significant 3rd parties

These are our brilliant prerequisites.


GPL 2.0