DragonBones JavaScript / TypeScript Runtime


Highly suggest use DragonBones Pro to create aniamtion.

Supported engines

Generate the files which are dependent by the engines

run npm install -g dragonbones-runtime to install the dragonbones-runtime in global.

Then you can get the dependent files in folder names dragonbones-out by run dbr <engine-name>@<version>, ex:
Egret: dbr egret@4.1.0
PixiJS: dbr pixijs@4.6.2
Phaser: dbr phaser@2.6.2 or dbr phaser-ce@2.7.0
Hilo: dbr hilo@1.1.6

using -o to specify the output folder(default: dragonbones-out), ex:
dbr egret@4.1.0 -o ./egret-db-out

because the phaser is downloaded from npm register, so you can use -r to specify the register, ex: dbr phaser@2.6.2 -r taobao (default: npm)
valid register:

npm - https://registry.npmjs.org/
taobao - https://registry.npm.taobao.org/
cnpm - http://r.cnpmjs.org/

To learn more about

Online demos


Copyright (c) 2012-2018 The DragonBones team and other contributors.