
📼 Package media content for online streaming(DASH and HLS) using FFmpeg

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

📼 PHP FFMPEG Video Streaming

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This package provides integration with PHP-FFMpeg and packages media content for online streaming such as DASH and HLS. You can use DRM for HLS packaging. There are several options to open a file from a cloud and save files to clouds as well.

  • Full Documentation is available describing all features and components.
  • A complete example is provided. It contains server-side(Transcoding + cloud + progress + web socket) and client-side(progress bar + web socket + player).
  • For using DRM and encryption, I recommend trying Shaka PHP, which is a great tool for this use case.



  1. This version of the package is only compatible with PHP 7.2 or higher.

  2. To use this package, you need to install the FFmpeg. You will need both FFmpeg and FFProbe binaries to use it.


Install the package via composer:

composer require aminyazdanpanah/php-ffmpeg-video-streaming

Alternatively, add the dependency directly to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "aminyazdanpanah/php-ffmpeg-video-streaming": "^1.1"


First of all, you need to include the package in your code:

require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // path to the autoload file


This package will autodetect FFmpeg and FFprobe binaries. If you want to give binary paths explicitly, you can pass an array as configuration. A Psr\Logger\LoggerInterface can also be passed to log binary executions.

$config = [
    'ffmpeg.binaries'  => '/usr/bin/ffmpeg',
    'ffprobe.binaries' => '/usr/bin/ffprobe',
    'timeout'          => 3600, // The timeout for the underlying process
    'ffmpeg.threads'   => 12,   // The number of threads that FFmpeg should use
$ffmpeg = Streaming\FFMpeg::create($config);

Opening a File

There are two ways to open a file:

1. From a Local Path

You can pass a local path of video to the open method:

$video = $ffmpeg->open('/var/www/media/videos/video.mp4');

2. From Clouds

You can open a file from a cloud by passing an array of cloud configuration to the openFromCloud method.

In this page, you will find some examples of opening a file from Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Storage, and a custom cloud.

$video = $ffmpeg->openFromCloud($from_google_cloud);


Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), also known as MPEG-DASH, is an adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high quality streaming of media content over the Internet delivered from conventional HTTP web servers. Learn more

Create DASH files:

    ->HEVC() // Format of the video. Alternatives: X264() and VP9()
    ->autoGenerateRepresentations() // Auto generate representations
    ->setAdaption('id=0,streams=v id=1,streams=a') // Set the adaption.
    ->save(); // It can be passed a path to the method or it can be null

Generate representations manually:

use Streaming\Representation;

$r_144p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(95)->setResize(256, 144);
$r_240p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(150)->setResize(426, 240);
$r_360p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(276)->setResize(640, 360);
$r_480p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(750)->setResize(854, 480);
$r_720p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(2048)->setResize(1280, 720);
$r_1080p = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(4096)->setResize(1920, 1080);
$r_2k    = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(6144)->setResize(2560, 1440);
$r_4k    = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(17408)->setResize(3840, 2160);

    ->addRepresentations([$r_144p, $r_240p, $r_360p, $r_480p, $r_720p, $r_1080p, $r_2k, $r_4k])
    ->setAdaption('id=0,streams=v id=1,streams=a')


HTTP Live Streaming (also known as HLS) is an HTTP-based adaptive bitrate streaming communications protocol implemented by Apple Inc. as part of its QuickTime, Safari, OS X, and iOS software. Client implementations are also available in Microsoft Edge, Firefox and some versions of Google Chrome. Support is widespread in streaming media servers. Learn more

Create HLS files:

    ->autoGenerateRepresentations([720, 360]) // You can limit the number of representatons

Generate representations manually:

use Streaming\Representation;

$r_360p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(276)->setResize(640, 360);
$r_480p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(750)->setResize(854, 480);
$r_720p  = (new Representation)->setKiloBitrate(2048)->setResize(1280, 720);

    ->setHlsBaseUrl('https://bucket.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/videos') // Add a base URL
    ->addRepresentations([$r_360p, $r_480p, $r_720p])
    ->setHlsTime(5) // Set Hls Time. Default value is 10 
    ->setHlsAllowCache(false) // Default value is true 

NOTE: You cannot use HEVC and VP9 formats for HLS packaging.

Encrypted HLS

The encryption process requires some kind of secret (key) together with an encryption algorithm. HLS uses AES in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. This means each block is encrypted using the ciphertext of the preceding block. Learn more

You must specify a path to save a random key to your local machine and also a URL(or a path) to access the key on your website(the key you will save must be accessible from your website). You must pass both these parameters to the encryption method:

//A path you want to save a random key to your server
$save_to = '/home/public_html/PATH_TO_KEY_DIRECTORY/random_key.key';

//A URL (or a path) to access the key on your website
$url = 'https://www.aminyazdanpanah.com/PATH_TO_KEY_DIRECTORY/random_key.key';
// or $url = '/PATH_TO_KEY_DIRECTORY/random_key.key';

    ->setTsSubDirectory('ts_files')// put all ts files in a subdirectory
    ->encryption($save_to, $url)
    ->autoGenerateRepresentations([1080, 480, 240])

NOTE: It is very important to protect your key on your website using a token or a session/cookie(It is highly recommended).


A format can also extend FFMpeg\Format\ProgressableInterface to get realtime information about the transcoding.

$format = new Streaming\Format\HEVC();
$format->on('progress', function ($video, $format, $percentage){
    // You can update a field in your database or can log it to a file
    // You can also create a socket connection and show a progress bar to users
    echo sprintf("\rTranscoding...(%s%%) [%s%s]", $percentage, str_repeat('#', $percentage), str_repeat('-', (99 - $percentage)));

    ->setAdaption('id=0,streams=v id=1,streams=a')
Output From a Terminal:


Saving Files

There are two ways to save your files.

1. To a Local Path

You can pass a local path to the save method. If there was no directory in the path, then the package auto makes the directory.

$dash = $video->DASH()
            ->setAdaption('id=0,streams=v id=1,streams=a');

It can also be null. The default path to save files is the input path.

$hls = $video->HLS()

NOTE: If you open a file from a cloud and do not pass a path to save the file to your local machine, you will have to pass a local path to the save method.

2. To Clouds

You can save your files to a cloud by passing an array of cloud configuration to the save method.

In this page, you will find some examples of saving files to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Storage, and a custom cloud.

$dash->save(null, [$to_aws_cloud, $to_google_cloud, $to_microsoft_azure, $to_custom_cloud]);

A path can also be passed to save a copy of files to your local machine.

$hls->save('/var/www/media/videos/hls-stream.m3u8', [$to_google_cloud, $to_custom_cloud]);

Schema: The relation is one-to-many

Metadata Extraction

After saving files(wherever you saved them), you can extract the metadata from the video and streams. You can save these metadata to your database.


echo $filename; // path to metadata.json
print_r($metadata); // print metadata -> it's an array

NOTE: It will not save metadata to clouds because of some security reasons.

Other Advanced Features

You can easily use other advanced features in the PHP-FFMpeg library. In fact, when you open a file with the open method(or openFromCloud), it holds the Media object that belongs to the PHP-FFMpeg.

$ffmpeg = Streaming\FFMpeg::create()
$video = $$ffmpeg->openFromCloud($from_cloud, '/var/wwww/media/my/new/video.mp4');

Extracting image

You can extract a frame at any timecode using the FFMpeg\Media\Video::frame method.

$frame = $video->frame(FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds(42));

NOTE: You can use the image as a video's poster.


A gif is an animated image extracted from a sequence of the video.

You can save gif files using the FFMpeg\Media\Gif::save method.

    ->gif(FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds(2), new FFMpeg\Coordinate\Dimension(640, 480), 3)

This method has a third optional boolean parameter, which is the duration of the animation. If you don't set it, you will get a fixed gif image.

NOTE: You can use the gif as a video's thumbnail.

To see more example, please vist the PHP-FFMpeg Documentation page.

Asynchronous Task Execution

Packaging process will may take a while and it is recommended to run it in the background(or in a cloud e.g. Google Cloud). There are some libraries that you can use.

  • Symphony(The Console Component): You can use this library to create command-line commands. Your console commands can be used for any recurring task, such as cronjobs, imports, or other batch jobs. Learn more

  • Laravel(Queues): If you are using Laravel for development, Laravel Queues is a wonderful tool for this use case. It allows you to create a job and dispatch it. Learn more

  • Google Cloud Tasks: Google Cloud Tasks is a fully managed service that allows you to manage the execution, dispatch, and delivery of a large number of distributed tasks. You can asynchronously perform work outside of a user request. Learn more

NOTE: It is not necessary to use these libraries. It is just a suggestion. You can also create a script to create packaged video files and run a job in the cron job.

Several Open Source Players

You can use these libraries to play your streams.

NOTE: You should pass a manifest of stream(e.g. https://www.aminyazdanpanah.com/PATH_TO_STREAM_DIRECTORY/dash-stream.mpd or /PATH_TO_STREAM_DIRECTORY/hls-stream.m3u8 ) to these players.

Contributing and Reporting Bugs

I'd love your help in improving, correcting, adding to the specification. Please file an issue or submit a pull request.

  • Please see Contributing File for more information.
  • If you have any questions or you want to report a bug, please just file an issue
  • If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please see SECURITY File for more information.

NOTE: If you have any questions about this package or FFmpeg, please DO NOT send an email to me (or submit the contact form on my website). Emails regarding these issues will be ignored.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.