
A PHP package for connecting to Italian Exchange System (aka SdI) web services. (Pacchetto PHP per inviare fatture e notifiche ai webservices del SdI).

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PHP SdICoop - Client

A PHP package for connecting to Italian Exchange System (aka “SdI”) web services.

(Pacchetto PHP per inviare fatture e notifiche ai webservices del SdI).

Please refer to

See Forum Italia - Fatturazione Elettronica for server configuration, interoperability tests, etc. In particular:

Apache configuration
Accreditamento SDICoop: configurazione SSL su Apache - Fatturazione Elettroni…
Interoperability tests
Test Interoperabilità Soluzioni - Fatturazione Elettronica - Forum Italia

Getting started


  • PHP >=5.5
  • php-curl
  • php-soap



composer require taocomp/php-sdicoop-client


  • Clone/download the repository
  • require_once('/path/to/php-sdicoop-client/vendor/autoload.php');


Please note namespace is changed (v0.1.5), it is now Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient.

So to use e.g. Client class:

use \Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\Client;


According to Italian Exchange System (aka SdI), you need:

  • a client key
  • a client certificate
  • a CA certificate

to send invoices and notices to SdI web services.

Additionally you must provide an endpoint to connect to and the correspondent WSDL for each web service.

You can configure key and certs as follow:


You can also configure a proxy if needed:


And then you can instantiate the client by providing endpoint/WSDL.

Web service SdIRiceviFile (test) for sending invoices:

$client = new Client(array(
    'endpoint' => 'https://testservizi.fatturapa.it/ricevi_file',
    'wsdl'     => '/path/to/php-sdicoop-client/assets/wsdl/SdIRiceviFile_v1.0.wsdl'

Web service SdIRiceviNotifica (test) for sending notices:

$client = new Client(array(
    'endpoint' => 'https://testservizi.fatturapa.it/ricevi_notifica',
    'wsdl'     => '/path/to/php-sdicoop-client/assets/wsdl/SdIRiceviNotifica_v1.0.wsdl'

Or you can pass all parameters (key, certs, wsdl, endpoint) to client constructor:

$client = new Client(array(
    'key'      => '/path/to/client.key',
    'cert'     => '/path/to/client.pem',
    'ca_cert'  => '/path/to/ca.pem',
    'endpoint' => 'https://testservizi.fatturapa.it/ricevi_file',
    'wsdl'     => '/path/to/php-sdicoop-client/assets/wsdl/SdIRiceviFile_v1.0.wsdl'

Send invoices to SdI (web service “SdIRiceviFile”)

$fileSdI = new FileSdIBase();
$response = new RispostaSdIRiceviFile($client->RiceviFile($fileSdI));

// Process response:
// -----------------------------------------
// $id       = $response->IdentificativoSdI;
// $datetime = $response->DataOraRicezione;
// $error    = $response->Errore;
// -----------------------------------------

See examples/invoice.php for a working example.

You can also send \Taocomp\Einvoicing\FatturaElettronica objects: see https://github.com/taocomp/php-e-invoice-it.

Send notices to SdI (web service “SdIRiceviNotifica”, endpoint test)

$fileSdI = new FileSdI();
$response = new RispostaSdINotificaEsito($client->NotificaEsito($fileSdI));

// Process response:
// ----------------------------------
// $result          = $response->Esito;
// $discard         = $response->ScartoEsito;
// $discardFilename = $discard->NomeFile;
// $discardFile     = $discard->File;
// ----------------------------------

See examples/notice.php for a working example.

You can also send \Taocomp\Einvoicing\EsitoCommittente objects: see https://github.com/taocomp/php-e-invoice-it.


We want to thank all contributors of Forum Italia - Fatturazione Elettronica who have shared their snippets and any available info.

Thanks to Luca Cristofalo for testing the code on his old PHP 5.5.38. :-)

