
A flask website to validate the relationship between student ID and GitHub account.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A flask website to validate the relationship between student ID and GitHub account.



$ docker pull ghcr.io/taoky/gh-auth:main
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taoky/gh-auth/main/app/config.example.py -O config.py
$ docker run --rm ghcr.io/taoky/gh-auth:main python /app/utils/nacl_gen.py  # generate NACL public key and private key
$ vim config.py  # modify the config.py to your settings
$ docker run -p 15000:80 -v ${PWD}/config.py:/app/config.py --rm ghcr.io/taoky/gh-auth:main

The app will listen on port 15000.


$ git clone https://github.com/taoky/gh-auth.git
$ cd gh-auth
$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ cp app/config.example.py app/config.py
(venv) $ python utils/nacl_gen.py
(venv) $ vim app/config.py  # modify the config.py to your settings and use generated NACL_PRIVKEY and NACL_PUBKEY
(venv) $ cd app
(venv) $ FLASK_RUN_PORT=15000 FLASK_APP=main.py flask run

You should use uwsgi/gunicorn if used in production environment.


Create a new GitHub oauth app at https://github.com/settings/applications/new.


CLIENT_ID="Register your client on GitHub!"
CLIENT_SECRET="Register your client on GitHub!"
NACL_PUBKEY="generate by utils/nacl_gen.py"
NACL_PRIVKEY="generate by utils/nacl_gen.py"
CAS_URL="https://passport.ustc.edu.cn/login"  # replace to your CAS server if not applicable.
CAS_REDIRECT="http://home.ustc.edu.cn/~zzh1996/cas_redirect.html"  # replace to your own redirect page.
SECRET_KEY="Secret for flask session"
HOST="https://ghauth.taoky.moe"  # GitHub auth relies on this value.


The home.ustc.edu.cn trick no longer works since 2023/10/31. The demo is also not working now. You might need to apply for permission or build your own CAS service/proxy.

This app uses no database and its security relies on the secrecy of config.py. If config.py leaks out then your GitHub oauth app will be compromised and user can generate forged tokens.