A simple ring buffer data structure for Node.js and the browser.
This repository is forked from janogonzalez/ringbufferjs
As component for the browser:
$ component install taoyuan/ringbuf
As npm for Node.js:
$ npm install ringbuf
var RingBuffer = require('ringbuf');
var ring = new RingBuffer(2);
ring.enq(1); // 10 will be discarded
ring.size(); // 2
ring.peek(); // 5
ring.deq(); // 5
ring.size(); // 1
Initializes a new empty RingBuffer
with the default capacity (50).
Initializes a new empty RingBuffer
with the given capacity
Returns the capacity of the ring buffer.
Dequeues the top element of the ring buffer.
Throws an Error
when the buffer is empty.
Enqueues the element
at the end of the ring buffer and returns its new size.
When the buffer is full the oldest element is discarded.
Returns whether the ring buffer is empty or not.
Returns whether the ring buffer is full or not.
Peeks at the top element of the ring buffer.
Throws an Error
when the buffer is empty.
Returns the size of the ring buffer.
As component in the browser, open test/test.html in your browser:
$ make
$ open test/test.html
As npm package:
$ npm test