
OpenSound Control for Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

= rosc - OpenSound Control for Ruby
== Synopsis

    require 'osc'

    Host = 'localhost'
    Port = 5000

    s = OSC::UDPServer.new
    s.bind Host, Port

    c = OSC::UDPSocket.new
    m = OSC::Message.new('/foo', 'fi', Math::PI, 42)
    c.send m, 0, Host, Port

    s.add_method '/f*', 'fi' do |msg|
      domain, port, host, ip = msg.source
      puts "#{msg.address} -> #{msg.args.inspect} from #{host}:#{port}"
    Thread.new do
    sleep 5

    #=> /foo -> [3.14159274101257, 42] from localhost:50843

== Requirements
- Ruby

== Installation

    sudo ruby setup.rb

== Details
See the OSC home page[1], especially the "State of the Art" paper (for an
overview) and the specification. This library makes OSC easy, but you will
still need to understand OSC concepts and limitations.

The important classes are Message, Bundle, UDPSocket, and UDPServer. If you
want to make your own server on a different transport (e.g. TCP or UNIX
sockets, which are still on the TODO list), you will want to use the Server

Please read the AUTHORS file for credits and see the TODO list for planned

1. http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl

== Download/Contribute
The project is hosted at GitHub: http://github.com/fugalh/rosc

== Examples
Send me your interesting examples and I'll include them.

== License
Copyright (C) 2007 Hans Fugal and Tadayoshi Funaba

Distributed under Ruby's license. See the LICENSE file.