
This a very basic startup project with Node.js, ES7, Typescript and express with

There is also basic client connected via socket.

Prepared for Linux environment.

Extra features:

  • Dependency Injection (in ./src/IoC) with samples
  • Local environment variables (in .env)
  • Command line arguments parser (StartupArgs class)
  • Some convenient commands (look at package.json scripts section)
  • Test samples (jest inside)
  • async/await included, axios on board
  • Extra services: Logger, Environment and RunMode

Before start

Use npm i to install local packages. Use npm run preinstall to install global packages.

Add .env. You can based on .env.example.

Where to start?

In Main.ts, Run() method. This is the place for your code. Put all dependencies in a constructor (don't forget to add them to IoC ./src/IoC/IoC.ts and optionally to Types.ts).

Use npm run serve to build and run your code continuously.

How to call program with args?

Just call it directly: node startup.js --foo bar. Don't do it by npm scripts like npm run run -- --foo bar. It may not work.

How to make this program executable?

Add #!/usr/bin/env node at the very begining of startup file (startup.ts). This is already done. Then call sudo chmod u+x ./bin/startup.js. Now you can use your script like a regular program. You can call it with ./startup. No node startup.js needed.