

alternate-file allows to find alternate file - usually this means to find test file for implementation file and vice versa.

This functionality is similar to that provided by projectile package and its projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test function but this package is much simpler and doesn't use complicated heuristic to find test files.

Instead it relies on user-supplied rules in af-settings variable - user should specify implementation directory, test directory and suffix of test files for each major mode manually. As of now test prefixes are not supported because I don't use such languages but feel free to open a new issue in case you need them.

Installation and example configuration

(use-package alternate-file
  :straight (alternate-file :type git :host github :repo "tap349/alternate-file")
  :after evil
  (af-settings '((clojure-mode . ("src" "test" "_test"))
                 (go-mode . ("{}" "{}" "_test"))
                 (kotlin-mode . ("src/main" "src/test" "Test"))))

  (:map evil-normal-state-map
    ("<leader>," . af-find-alternate-file)))

{} means "use the same directory for implementation and test files" - this is useful, for example, for go-mode in which implementation and test files are usually stored in the same directory but it can be either internal or pkg.