
ansible scripts

Primary LanguagePHP

Mediawiki 1.36 installation on redhat8/centos8 using ansible-playbook

This playbook will install a LAMP environment (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine, as explained in the guide on How to Use Ansible to Install and Configure LAMP on Ubuntu 18.04. A virtualhost will be created with the options specified in the vars/default.yml variable file.


  • mysql_root_password: the password for the MySQL root account.
  • app_user: a remote non-root user on the Ansible host that will own the application files.
  • http_host: your domain name.
  • http_conf: the name of the configuration file that will be created within Apache.
  • http_port: HTTP port, default is 80.
  • disable_default: whether or not to disable the default Apache website. When set to true, your new virtualhost should be used as default website. Default is true.

Running this Playbook

Quickstart guide for those already familiar with Ansible:

1. Obtain the playbook

git clone https://github.com/do-community/ansible-playbooks.git
cd ansible-playbooks/lamp_ubuntu1804

2. Customize Options

nano vars/default.yml
mysql_root_password: "mysql_root_password"
app_user: "sammy"
http_host: "your_domain"
http_conf: "your_domain.conf"
http_port: "80"
disable_default: true

3. Run the Playbook

ansible-playbook -l [target] -i [inventory file] -u [remote user] playbook.yml

For more information on how to run this Ansible setup, please check this guide: soon.