terminal based hacker news (https://news.ycombinator.com) news for a lurker
To run: download and execute the binary: ./hn
What does it do?
- Lists top 30 hn articles in the following format:
[01/01 08:18 173 thesephist] 01. TabFS: Mount your Browser Tabs as a Filesystem (omar.website)
The fields from left to write are: post date (mm/dd), post time (HH:mm), points, user id, post rank, title, domain.
- Presents the following prompt and waits for input:
enter your choice [<sno> | (m)ore | (t)op | (b)est | (n)ew | (q)uit | (r)efresh]:
Enter an option and hit return. Options are:
- sno: the post rank. This opens the post in your default browser
- m: next set of 30 posts in the currently chosen category (top posts is default)
- t: list top 30 posts
- b: list top 30 posts in best category
- n: list 30 newest posts
- q: quit the program
- r: refresh the list, while retaining current category and current offset of post rank
- That's it. There is no other functionality in this tool (upvoting, posting, etc.), and is ideal for a lurker to keep an eye on hn all day long.
- The release binary is for MaxOS (arch: amd64). You will need to download source and build your binary for other platforms.
- The posts open in your default browser. If you want to use a different browser, please update source and rebuild to suite your needs.