
JobTok is TikTok for recruiting. Job seekers are able to present an elevator pitch to recruiters before their resume is read.

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JobTok: Tiktok for Recruiting

Hack the Valley 2021 Submission for Jobtok where job seekers are able to present an elevator pitch to recruiters before their resume is read. It gives an opportunity for the recruiter to meet the face before the CV.


Recruiters spend on average 1-2 minutes reading each applicant's resume. Often times a small grammatical error or missing keyword can cause an applicant to not be selected for an interview. We provide a similar opportunity to job seekers at career fairs where they're able to present an elevator pitch as an introduction to a recruiter on a video platform similar to TikTok.

What it does

JobTok is a mobile app where job Seekers will be able to make a 1-2 minute video elevator pitch similar to a TikTok that recruiters will view. Recruiters are able to listen to the job seeker's video and if they are interested, they can like the video to learn more about the candidate. An email with the job applicant's resume will be sent to the recruiter. Recruiters also make 1-2 minute videos about the jobs that they're hiring for where a JobTok seeker can click "apply". This app also filters for likeminded interests so both parties get a tailored set of JobToks that matches up with the criteria they're interested in.

How we built it

We are using React Native as the frontend and Firebase as the backend.

Challenges we ran into

The setup was really difficult as setting up React Native and Android Studio caused many issues. We decided to use Expo instead and opted for Firebase to store user posts and videos. Another major problem was getting authentication and routing to work.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We worked on an existing concept and remodeled it to fit the needs of 21st century job applications where there is currently no other competition in the market.

What we learned

We learned how to use React Native to build and style the layout for JobTok, Firebase for storage and hours of debugging as well as searching through stack overflow forums. Moreover, we learned to focus on existing proven concepts and reusing them for a different niche market through the help and guidance of the mentors.

What's next for JobTok

We plan to implement user roles such as employer and applicant to improve usability. Another feature is a resume auto-loader/builder that complements an applicant's profile.