
Like ig/refset, but resolves to a map from keys to resolved refs

Primary LanguageClojure




  • see this Integrant PR and associated issues.

  • aims to support both Clojure & ClojureScript

The refmap construct is similar to refset, but resolves to a map from keys to resolved refs, rather than a set of refs; it is useful when the keys are meaningful to the logic beyond just being a slot in the config map, and are required in further logic.


(ns my-ns
  (:require [tape.refmap :as rm]))

;; Use the refmap dependecy spec in config maps
{:foo/a (rm/refmap :foo/b), :foo/b 1}

;; When reading edn configs, use the `#tape/refmap` tag symbol
;; and extra `rm/readers` reader tags.
(ig/read-string {:readers rm/readers}
                "{:foo/a #tape/refmap :foo/b, :foo/b 1}")


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