
Supplemental R scripts and csv files

Primary LanguageR

The Atlatl to Bow Transition
Supplemental R scripts and csv files for:

Breslawski RP, Etter BL, Jorgeson I, Boulanger MT (2018). The Atlatl to Bow Transition: What Can We Learn from Modern Recreational Competitions? Lithic Technology, in press, DOI:10.1080/01977261.2017.1416918

atlatldata.csv: Table of atlatl competition scores.
bowdata.csv: Table of archery competition scores.
scoresMEDMOD.R: R script to reproduce median score models and associated figures.
scoresMLMOD.R: R script to reproduce multilevel score models and associated figures.

Both R scripts require the RStan and Rethinking packages. You will need to save both csv files to your R working directory before running each script. scoresMEDMOD.R will complete in under 20 minutes on most systems; it will generate 29.2 MB of data. scoresMLMOD.R requires a bit more computing power, and should complete in 2.5-3.5 hours. scoresMLMOD.R will create 328.3 MB of data. Both scripts are set to run Stan on 2 cores. If you are using a computer with more than 2 cores, you can adjust the 'cores' argument in each map2stan function to reduce the time spent on HMC simulation. All models in these R scripts are fit using 4 chains, so increasing 'cores' up to 4 will result in quicker completion.

Atlatl data are International Standard Accuracy Contest scores, and they were compiled from publicly available data hosted and collected by the World Atlatl Association.

Archery data are Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition scores, and they were compiled from publicly available data hosted and collected by the Society for Creative Anachronism.