Decode the following text encoded in rotation cipher:
Esp qtcde nzyqpcpynp zy esp ezatn zq Lcetqtntlw Tyepwwtrpynp hld spwo le Olcexzfes Nzwwprp ty estd jplc.
- Using a probabilistic letter model:
- Using gzip:
Decode the message (split in 2 letter columns):
|de| | f|Cl|nf|ed|au| i|ti| |ma|ha|or|nn|ou| S|on|nd|on|
|ry| |is|th|is| b|eo|as| | |f |wh| o|ic| t|, | |he|h |
|ab| |la|pr|od|ge|ob| m|an| |s |is|el|ti|ng|il|d |ua|c |
|he| |ea|of|ho| m| t|et|ha| | t|od|ds|e |ki| c|t |ng|br|
|wo|m,|to|yo|hi|ve|u | t|ob| |pr|d |s |us| s|ul|le|ol|e |
| t|ca| t|wi| M|d |th|"A|ma|l |he| p|at|ap|it|he|ti|le|er|
|ry|d |un|Th|" |io|eo|n,|is| |bl|f |pu|Co|ic| o|he|at|mm|
|hi| | |in| | | t| | | | |ye| |ar| |s | | |. |
- Using a probabilistic word model:
From Peter Norvig's "Natural Language Corpus Data: Beautiful Data" (MIT license).